Menendez Delenda Est

United States Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ), has been indicted for corruption by the Justice Department, the allegations being that he used his office to the benefit of a friend and campaign contributor, something not unknown to every other Senator and Congressman who ever lived. A friend, now retired, was the bodyguard and muscleman for the head of the Philadelphia Teamsters Union. We walked together most afternoons for several miles, during which he told me Teamster Tales that I found quite believable. The Obama Justice Department reminds me of those conversations. Teamster members who seriously crossed the line often disappeared, along with their cars, into a convenient junk yard crusher, to be stacked up in a corner of the junk yard with other blocks of used metal. Senator Menendez seriously and inexcusably crossed the line by speaking out of turn. You do not disrespect the Godfather, and Obama felt seriously disrespected by having his policies criticized. And so, as a teaching moment, Menendez must be taught a lesson, for the benefit of other Democrats who might dare to think of country before Obama.

Of all such past Delendas
Carthago to Menendez
The stronger horse ripped out the other’s heart
Obama wins this tussle
He has that Teamster muscle
The weaker horse is doomed to pull the cart
Menendez must be shown to
Be like the man who’s known to
Shoot off his mouth but cower in disgrace
And kneeling, sobs and grovels
Like all those Kulak Pavels
Who cried when Stalin said you mind your place
And speaking of Joe Stalin
Obama is the dollin”
Of all the lefties yelling for the hide
Of Menendez the traitor
Of whom we’ll hear more later
But in this fight I’m on the traitor’s side

The Hidden Path

Secretary of State John Kerry, busily negotiating the surrender of the United States of Obama to Iran, says he can see the three paths under negotiation that are designed to keep Iran from getting nuclear weapons, but is worried that the fourth path, the hidden path, the path Iran will undoubtedly take, will lead to them acquiring nuclear weapons that will lead to war and worldwide death and destruction. Yet, knowing Iran will cheat on any deal agreed to, Kerry says the deal is a risk worth taking. John! Didn’t Robert Frost talk about the road not taken? You’re not as smart as Robert Frost, John, you’re not as smart as Frosty the Snowman. Just don’t sign anything, you numbskull!

All paths are hidden, all opaque
We see a single tile
The edges dark each step we take
In shadow all the while
But yet we walk into the night
Not knowing what’s ahead
And hoping that quite soon the light
Will dissipate the dread
But not to worry, not to fear
That O has planned our doom
John Kerry knows that it’s quite clear
Each path leads to Kaboom

The End Of The Habsburgs

We have all heard the story of William Tell, how the Habsburgs of Austria, who ruled Switzerland, placed a man named Gessler in charge of the province where Tell and his family lived. Gessler erected a pole in the town square and placed his hat on it, announcing that all who passed must bow to his hat under pain of death. Tell and his young son walked into town one day in 1307 and refused to bow, whereupon Tell was arrested and condemned to death. Gessler, aware of Tell’s reputation with the crossbow, said if Tell shot an apple off the head of his young son he would go free. With Gessler watching, Tell aimed at his son but shot Gessler. The important thing about the story is that Tell’s act did not end the Habsburg rule in Switzerland in 1307 or at any time thereafter. The defeat of the Spanish Armada did not disturb the power or the sleep of the Habsburgs, nor did anything else until World War 1, so great was the power of the political culture of Europe. And so it is with opponents of our current Leftist leaders. Ted Cruz and others can bow to the hat or kill Gessler, it makes no real difference. The Leftist culture now throttling our country and the rest of the civilized world is here to stay, its coils deep into our very guts, and it will take more than a crossbow bolt to dislodge it.

The boy, an apple and a hat
The time the recent past
A trigger pull and that was that
And Gessler breathed his last
Vienna though had noticed not
Continued they to dance
The waltz and maybe the gavotte
And gave Tell not a glance
And so it is that culture wins
Cervantes understood
That windmill culture underpins
The Habsburg head of wood
And like the Habsburg crowns of yore
The Left is here to stay
For no election short of war
Will put them all away

Letters Of Marque

A letter of marque is written authorization given by a State to private citizens to attack and take ships of the enemy. Hacked emails to and from Hillary Clinton while she was Secretary of State reveal that she was running a private government out of her house with a private and secret staff, dealing with foreign governments outside official State Department business. There are those who wonder where she got the money to hire the very expensive specialists who ran her secret government. Did she issue letters of marque? I spoke to the skipper of the twelve gun Baltimore schooner Jenny Lind today and he said the cruise to the Gulf was very successful, with fifteen tankers laden with sweet crude oil taken just off Aden and sent home with prize crews. He chuckled and said,

A sweet sailing ship is the Baltimore schooner
Her spread of stiff canvas eats into the wind
There’s plenty of prizes we should have got sooner
There’s naught on the sea like the sweet Jenny Lind
We caught a big tanker and boarded her quickly
And locked up her crew in the bilges below
Her captain was stiff and a tiny bit prickly
He said that his bosses at Exxon would know
I showed him my Letter of Marque and he squinted
And said that he knew the name written in ink
I took him aside and I more or less hinted
That he’d be remembered, which caused him to think
We captured more ships, he said, shaking with laughter
And sent them all home to be sold for cold cash
But what was the name, I said, what was he after
He said he imagined ‘twas put in the stash
He nudged me and said an election was coming
With Letters of Marque flying off of the shelves
The trade routes with swift brigs and schooners were humming
With papers fair signed by the Clintons themselves

Love Letters

Despite virulent opposition the United States of Barack Obama is about to sign an agreement with Iran that will allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons, an eventuality that will inevitably lead to nuclear war and hundreds of millions of deaths. Barack Obama has written a letter to the Supreme Leader of Iran, expressing his love and solidarity.

The Office of the Supreme Leader, Sayyid Ali Khamenei

My Dearest Sayyid,

I’m trying oh so hard to get your nukes on line
But you should know I’ve trouble here at home
My enemies obstruct in everything I do
That’s why I write this little note to you
I cherish all this love that we call yours and mine
My heart and soul from you will never roam
We love and need each other in the greatest way
That’s why I drop this little line to say
Our work will see the birth of a new Caliphate
We’ll laugh to see the infidel despair
And Andalus returned to you, so kind and wise
And so this note for your sweet loving eyes
We share a love for Islam and the West we hate
We stride the world and conquer without care
And in the end our love will last a thousand years
And so I close with eyes with loving tears

All My Love,

A Thousand Years Or So

Another Country song needing some notes and minor chords.


We knew the moment that we met
That we had loved before
We smiled with eyes so sudden wet
In love again once more

Once more to love each other so
To share our love and tears
A love we knew so long ago
A thousand lonely years


A thousand lonely years, oh Lord
A thousand lonely years
Without her Lord, so long a time
And oh so many tears

An angel with her folded wings
Shone with a golden light
And said that Heaven grants such things
But only for a night

We kissed goodbye just as the chime
Said it was time to go
And knew we’d meet again in time
A thousand years or so


Everyone has a multiplicity of phones; iPhones, Androids and various devices of similar description, all capable of receiving email and text messages and connection to the internet as well as the ancient and fast disappearing cultural rite of actually speaking to another human being. How many phones does a man need? I have been a phone all my life. An Anglophone. Had I been born two thousand years ago in Britain I might have been a Saxonphone, baritone one hopes. Had I been an All-Pro tight end and coach of the Bears I might have been, by the merest transposition of two letters, a Diktaphone. Had I been an English teacher I could have been a grammarphone. Which is why, for my entire life, I have found it easy to phone it in.

The number of the phones I need
Is difficult to tell
Confined for life like Mr. Bede
In my small monkish cell
I get my emails one by one
Slipped underneath my door
I read them when the day is done
Just like the day before
I have a phone there on the wall
It rings or so they say
For I so seldom get a call
Yet still my bill I pay
Some yearn for the past simpler life
Without cell phones and such
Where man could live without much strife
In his poor phoneless hutch

Just A Dream

In light of Hillary’s typically Clintonian behavior re the emails and the foreign money coming in while she was SecState, behavior that reveals to all her conviction that the Clintons do not need to obey the law, the New York Times writes, rather sadly, that despite her problems the Democrats see no choice but Hillary Clinton in 2016. Nonetheless, there are those who wonder if perhaps age, weariness and problems may cause her to decide not to run. Lying abed, I dreamed I spoke to my friend Waltradamus about the Hillary problem for the Democrats, and what would happen if there were no viable candidate to take her place. He said the answer was simple. The twenty-second amendment does not forbid anyone from running for a third term, it only forbids anyone from serving as president for a third term. Therefore, the Democrats believe they can prevail over the Constitution by running Barack Obama, and if he wins again fight it out in the courts, where the twenty-second amendment will be struck down by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional because it does not apply to any other elected Federal official. Further, with the election tied up in the courts, who is the interim president? I woke covered with sweat and looked at the clock. It was getting very late for all of us.

My stomach crawled with giant worms
Barack Obama for three terms
And then a fourth, and then again
A life so long He reaches ten
Augusta now His private course
No golf cart He, a snow white horse
His subjects cheer as He rides by
Huzzah le Emperor! is the cry
The Capitol has been torn down
And every monument in town
Has been removed and in its place
Are giant marbles of His face
I woke again, a horrid dream
Before I recognized the scream
‘Twas Waltradamus, rigid, stiff
Unmoving as the crumbling cliff
Gave way before my frightened eyes
And very much to my surprise
The country tilted and the slide
Took state by state on its death ride
I woke again and day was here
Could such a thing be very near?
A monstrous, cruel and dark regime?
Of course not, it was just a dream

Amoeba Nation

I have posited in these pages on more than one occasion that the United States is dividing, amoeba like, into two separate and distinct moral, cultural and ideological nations, the Southern half retaining most if not all of the founding principles of the United States and California, the Northwest and the Northern half becoming increasingly a hard Socialist state ruled by cliques of government unions, third world Mexicans and disaffected grievance minorities. I believe the division into two separate countries will be more or less peaceful, with commerce between the two, but like the amoeba, once fully separated, two permanent and distinct societies will emerge and stay that way for the foreseeable future, until such time as the hard socialist North, in order to solve its intractable problems brought on by historic inevitability, devolves into dictatorship, at which point the real crisis of the future nature of the United States begins. A nation divided amongst itself cannot stand, and force of arms will determine which United States will live and which will die.

A nation so divided
By nature is provided
The means to solve the problem in due course
One can resort to reason
Perhaps resort to treason
But if all fails then one resorts to force
But force means nothing’s settled
It merely leaves folks nettled
So say the folks who’ll say just let them go
But force resolves the question
And just as a suggestion
Just ask a Carthaginian you know

The Kenyan

The world has never seen a leader like the Kenyan, Barack Obama, whose actions and inactions have transformed the world to a degree to which he could only have fitfully dreamed. In eight short years he will have accomplished much; the near destruction of the culture and history of the United States, and the murderous and rapid ascendance of Islam. A man borne by the gods, a man of broad reach and a broader grasp of the uses of power. A man of the people, but not of our people.

Has ever been a broader reach
A firmer, steel-tipped grasp
Two fierce lit eyes, a flint in each
Resolve a lock and hasp
The world has never seen the like
Of this tall Kenyan man
A fluid mongoose ‘fore the strike
Not since God’s time began
Alone is he with Jason’s fleece
Olympus is his home
His giant hands the hills of Greece
Fierce blazed with Styrofoam
The Kingdoms of the Middle East
Each one a Western foil
He single handed loosed the beast
And watched the deserts boil
So confident, a strong lip curled
The Kenyan firmly stood
Beside his self-created world
And blowed it up real good