Fighting Back

The recent Muslim killings of French police and civilians has galvanized the West to take action to combat the threat of Muslim violence. They will not take action against the Muslims of course, that would be an overreaction and possibly dangerous. They are going to shut down the Internet and arrest all those who point out the killers are Muslim, hoping that abject surrender will satisfy the beast. As for me, I have been warned that things will go verse for me if I continue my feeble attempts at rhymed hate speech.

The outraged West is fighting back
With penalties for every hack
Who dares to mention Islam’s name
Thus causing hatred to inflame
The peaceful Muslims to respond
In ways in which they’re much too fond
But I am made of sterner stuff
I spit on them and call their bluff
I call Mohammad pedophile
I’m not afraid, that’s not my style
Come after me, I shall not hide
I’ll turn you into Allah’s bride
The danger’s real, that’s why, you see
This verse was written not by me

A Tasty Dish

Muslim killers are always hailed as heroes in the Muslim world, and the greater the atrocity the more women there are ululating in the streets. We don’t understand how cold blooded killers can be idolized, feted and treated as heroes, and blessed by martyrdom. We forget how Bonnie and Clyde, and John Dillinger were admired and seen as heroes by many. Killers are not heroes. Real heroes wear capes and leap tall buildings at a single bound. But those real heroes are no more.

The age of heroes is no more
The men who evened up the score
Destroying all those evil guys
With just a glance from steely eyes
The heroes now do not wear capes
They put their killings out on tapes
On YouTube and on DVDs
Thus earning them their heaven’s keys
For Allah doth command them kill
And that command they must fulfill
And doing so reach heaven’s gate
Where supple virgins doth await
The West still sleeps but will awake
And Muslim blood our thirst will slake
For vengeance is a tasty dish
And we shall grant their dying wish

A One Act Play

The world is coming apart. In the socialist paradise of Venezuela the stores are out of soap and the gas stations out of gas. In France, Muslim killers set Paris aflame, and in Africa Muslim killers burned Christian villages and killed over two thousand men, women and children. The world is in crisis and Obama says not a word, so intent is he on handing out a free community college education to everyone. Karl Marx famously said that history is in two acts, the first as tragedy and the second as farce. Marx was wrong. There are not two acts, but only one, and it is neither tragedy nor farce, but light musical comedy, at least when viewed from afar or viewed as ancient history. For those sitting in the seats, watching the dancers and humming along with the show stopping tunes, it has nothing to do with them, though there is a dim awareness that something is happening on stage.

When viewed through the proscenium arch
Events seem far away
The stores are out of soap and starch
And Muslims spend the day
In killing Christian villagers
Whose names we’ll never know
Because we see the pillagers
As just part of the show
The band slams out a bouncy tune
The dancers laugh and whirl
Before a painted paper moon
As outside storm clouds swirl
The audience seems unaware
The lights begin to dim
Part of the show, there’s not to care
But why’s the play now grim?
The audience begins to stir
The band has stopped mid-song
This sort of thing should not occur
Perhaps there’s something wrong
The theater begins to shake
As the fierce tempest roars
The audience in panic make
For the locked exit doors


The French people have reacted to the Muslim killings of cartoonists and policemen in typical Western fashion: they have held candlelight vigils. I have been waiting for the news of burning mosques throughout France, but sadly saw only candlelight vigils. Lighting candles only deepens the Islamic contempt for the feckless West. What is needed is not candles and vigils but vengeance.

Burning mosques, how sweet the scent
Show the Western knee unbent
Hear the women’s keen lament
The Knights of Saint John live

Burn the mosques and kill the Imams who set the murderers in motion. Round up the Muslims and send them back to North Africa. Allow those who resist to stay, but make it clear they will stay in a hole six feet deep.

Killing killers is no sin
Not if you expect to win
Muslims do not wish us well
It’s them or us, the sword will tell

The Setting Of The Sun

Muslim gunmen put a gun to the head of a young woman staff member of a French satirical magazine and said they would kill her and her baby if she didn’t give them the code to the locked door. She gave them the code and the gunmen invaded the Paris office of the magazine where they killed two unarmed policemen and ten staff members and wounded fifteen others. The reason for the killings? The magazine had committed the crime of publishing an unflattering cartoon of Mohammad. The West faces an existential threat, and our leftist self-anointed elites refuse to see it. But others will.

The code is set, the door is locked
But still the deed is done
The Muslim stops at nothing
And of mercy he has none
The moment comes for you and me
It comes for everyone
To see jihad as clearly as
The rising of the sun
The gauntlet thrown, the bloody knife
More deadly than the Hun
The war between the Muslim and the West
Has now begun
The war of our survival
As a culture must be won
Or else we face destruction
And the setting of the sun

The offices of the magazine had been firebombed some months earlier, the editor had been condemned to death by the Muslims, and the French sent two UNARMED policemen to guard them, showing how unserious the West is about the killers we refuse to identify by name, and the name is Islam.

The Ashes Of Their Fathers

Another murderous attack on some European cartoonists, this time in France, for disrespecting the Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him, an attack that left twelve dead and fifteen wounded. For several years now I have maintained that the common people of Europe will not stand idly by and allow their countries to be taken from them by Muslim immigrants, regardless of what their elitist leftist leaders think or do. I have stated that if the elected leaders do nothing then there will arise a Joan of Arc or a Hitler, and depending on when and where the cleansing of the Muslims starts will depend the amount of blood and degree of horror. I just didn’t think it would begin so soon, but it has.

The ashes of their fathers
And the temples of their gods
Are deeply rooted in the souls of men
Who’ll fight to keep the sacred
Bones intact beneath their sods
 Won’t see their churches turned to mosques again
The war of Islam ‘gainst the West
Has lasted many years
The seventh century to present time
When Muslim raiders made the
Christians slaves through blood and tears
And Sultans were addressed as The Sublime
Vienna and Lepanto
Saw the dawning of the West
And Islam sink into irrelevance
Until the current Leftist
Leadership that knows what’s best
Sat back and watched the Muslim scourge advance
And so the common folk of
Europe take the bloody task
Of fighting for their sacred home and hearth
And showing to the Muslim
Western tolerance’s mask
Conceals the fiercest fighting men on Earth


Jail Time

The country is no longer in the hands of the people, or even the elected government, but in the hands of the unelected bureaucracy, the regulators who write the rules by which we all must live, thousands upon thousands of leftist rules by leftist regulators, rules that harm the country but advance the leftist agenda, rules that enrich both the regulators and their cronies. Solyndra comes to mind. Banking rules come to mind. Fannie and Freddy come to mind. Maybe if somebody did jail time these things would be far less frequent.

We don’t listen to the Naders
Who decry the regulators
Or the other lonely voices in the wind
Who cry out for some attention
Shouting warnings, not to mention
Naming names of all the miscreants who’ve sinned
Lonely voices, no one hearing
As catastrophe is nearing
And the leaking boat is heading for the rocks
All the passengers are dancing
To the bankers’ sweet romancing
While into the henhouse slinks the wily fox
When the edifice comes tumbling
All the players take to mumbling
Saying how the heck did such a thing occur
Then they shrug and say it’s over
It was nice though in the clover
And the best part is we’re never sent to stir

The Graph

Fifty years ago I posited that a graph of the exponential growth of technology would have the growth line sharply rising to almost vertical. Since then we have witnessed an explosion in technology that makes the rise from chipped flint technology to 1970s technology look like a flat line. What will happen when the line on the graph reaches 90 degrees vertical? What happens when the line on the graph goes straight up and doesn’t cross the vertical year line? Is there a chance that there truly may not be a tomorrow? And what happens if there is no tomorrow? Is that the end, or is it the beginning?

Each species has an epitaph
A short life and they’re gone
All plotted on a simple graph
As darkness follows dawn
But what if lines upon a graph
Foretell that fateful date
Sophisticates will surely laugh
Until it is too late
If all there is belongs to God
Who surely likes a race
It cannot then be very odd
That he will show His face
When one of His creations climbs
The graph line to the top
Until the graph line rings the chimes
And it is time to stop
And then begin a life anew
Embraced with but a nod
Permitted then the awesome view
The gentle face of God

New Year 2015

A happy and prosperous New Year to all, and may God grant us His protection against all afflictions and infirmities.

The New Year bursts upon the scene
With all the stars aligned
We know not yet what that might mean
But hope the gods be kind
We hold the future in our hands
With fingers worked and gnarled
The past now gone like drifting sands
The past a future quarreled
We hold the mirror to our face
And destiny’s reflection
Shows choices that in every case
Requires our selection


And God said to Obama, “I will beat your shields into ploughshares and your spears into pruning hooks!” And Obama said, “That’s cool. What’s a ploughshare?” And it came to pass that Obama stripped all the tanks and artillery and choppers and machine guns from the military and equipped them with ploughshares and pruning hooks, and the world was finally at peace, and the lion lay down with the nervous and trembling lamb who found it very difficult to get to sleep.

Vanity of vanities, all is vanity
And madness has replaced the world of sanity
Attacks are met with sadness and urbanity
For who can say just who it is at fault
The language is reduced to self-negation
There is no place or word for indignation
Defend oneself no longer obligation
Emotions kept locked up inside a vault
Where naming names is now out of the question
To speak of evil gives us indigestion
And killers’ names are but a mere suggestion
And kill they will until we call a halt
For freemen cannot idly sit forever
And watch the Muslim and the Chinese sever
The lives and lands of innocents and never
Rise up in wrath and sow their land with salt