An Eleven Letter Word

The Obama administration came in with a reasonably secure world to work with, and work it they did, to the extent that the results can only be described as an eleven letter word.

One wonders why the White House staff is quite so femalecentric
And why both Secs of State are twin third rates
And Hagel at Defense seems like a choice so far eccentric
That he makes out a genius of Bob Gates
The witches by the cauldron stirring trouble Rice and Power
Make up in charm what they both lack in wit
These names of course explain quite well why things have gone so sour
And why the det cord fuses have been lit
Obama plays the role of the big hot dog without mustard
He stomps his feet and glares and makes demands
But no one pays attention in a world that’s now so clustered
That only Putin knows where Putin stands

A Treasonous Face

The Republican House of Representatives has finally stiffened its spine and is about to create a Select Committee to look into the Benghazi fiasco. Angela Merkel, meanwhile, has blown the whistle on the US eavesdropping on her personal phone calls and is blazing mad. The wheels of the gods grind slowly, and now the wheels are grinding exceeding fine. But worst of all, for the Obama administration, the press is beginning to turn and ask an embarrassing question or two. If Maureen Dowd and the New York Times jumps the reservation all is lost. It is all coming apart for Barack Hussein Obama and his crowd of Mao admirers and communist/fascist apparatchiks. They know it, and will very soon attack each other in order to save themselves, but to no avail. The ship is sinking and the rats cannot get off. The mask is about to be pulled off the Obama administration, and it will reveal a treasonous face.

The White House squad stands silent at attention
The gofers and the aides and power crowd
Their muskets loaded, cocked and at spring tension
All waiting for the word from Maureen Dowd
That it is time to clean the house of vermin
To disinfect the premises toot sweet
To get the facts that shortly will determine
That all of them be thrown out in the street
They eye each other thinking who will get me
And should I steal a march and fire first
I’ll try to cop a plea if Congress lets me
One shot and quickly all the bubbles burst
The tension reaches boiling in the circle
As Carney eyes the Power and the Rice
Joe Biden grins and blows a kiss to Merkel
Who stands aside and calmly rolls the dice

Nothing Changes But The Where And The When

We all think in terms of what we remember. I have not watched a television series for at least thirty years, preferring to limit my viewing to where they keep score. My thinking is conditioned by my possible misunderstanding of the present and the past, and not liking the present political situation very much. My mystery writing was formed long ago by Raymond Chandler and my science fiction writing by Ray Bradbury, so everything I write is dated, and so, very likely, is every thing I think. In the fifth grade I was told tin was the principal export of Bolivia, and I believed it then and I believe it now. For me, and I expect for most of us, our worldview is conditioned by what we knew or were told or what we experienced in our growing up years, and the contemporary world merely adds a patina, positive or negative, on our preconceptions.

For those of us who grew up when the radio was king
The world is now a very different place
A place where saying love of country is the only thing
Now brings a sneer and laughter in our face
We lived in towns and cities where the doors were never locked
And kids were free to roam the neighborhood
But nowadays those places are long gone and harshly mocked
By people who have never understood
That just because we grew up in a world now in the past
That maybe we had something new to say
That maybe we know something new about the play and cast
And see we’re not so far from yesterday
That things we saw as growing up we’re seeing yet again
The world it changes not nor do the times
For history remains the same except for where and when
There’s no repeat as Twain said but it rhymes

House Of Mirrors

The White House of Obama laughs a lot, especially when they lie and when they are incompetent, which is all the time. But the deeper the country sinks into the black hole brought on by the incompetence and malfeasance and outright fascism of the Obama administration, the White House ceases to be a fun house and becomes a madhouse. And when the funhouse becomes a madhouse, the mirrors reflect the demonic face of a mad King who rules by diktat and by whim, a madness that becomes increasingly mad the deeper into the darkness we go.

The Funhouse beckoned slyly to the fairground’s happy crowd
The entrance so inviting and so near
The cool slim barker crying only hope and change allowed
So step right in, there’s nothing here to fear
We walked inside to find ourselves amused by how we looked
In mirrors briefly lit by lightning flash
But as we walked into the dark we knew we had been hooked
And trusting in the barker now seemed rash
The deeper in the darkness now the mirrors subtly changed
No longer so amusing as at first
The images of monsters loomed so horribly deranged
And soon we understood we had been cursed
The image of the barker now lined every mirrored wall
His grin the grin of evil overdone
We knew that in his funhouse we were trapped beyond recall
As all we had was taken, one by one
With horrifying screams the patrons pressed on in the dark
The exit seeming oh so far away
We knew that we were someplace we would never hear dogs bark
Or see the rising sun bring light of day
Yet in our panic there appeared before us one small door
On opening it showed the fairground bleak
No longer crowded, void of laughter, lacking all allure
And stepping out we found no one would speak
The posters on the midway screamed we owed our lives to him
Whose picture rose in giant size all ‘round
The barker’s face, no longer smiling but severe and grim
Overlooked a fairground without sound
A young man whispered All is lost, all gone as with the wind
Our freedom, rights and Constitution gone
The barker rules by fiat and the rest of us are pinned
The King is loose and we are but a pawn

Palaver Or Geese And Thistles

Back in the day, when elementary school was serious education, we learned how the small town of Rome protected itself from its enemies by placing geese and thistles on the hills surrounding the city, all to give the alarm. Barack Obama does not believe in being prepared, he believes in palaver, talking, making agreements that only he believes in. As a consequence, he has defanged the US military and left the country vulnerable to anyone who wants to do us harm. I do not believe this is incompetence, as many believe, but deliberate policy, intended to harm the country as his communist mother and father so ardently wished.

All those who believe in palaver
Will soon find themselves a cadaver
Don’t worry, Obama is clever
The country is safer than ever
So what if the Russians build missiles
We’re safe with our geese and our thistles
They’ll warn us if danger is lurking
They’ll tell us if something is perking
Our dead eyes will never feed starlings
So sleep well at night then my darlings

The Lust For Power

Many are the pundits who have psychoanalyzed Barack Obama, and the number of conclusions equals the number of pundits voicing their opinions. For me, Obama is relatively easy, after five years, to peg. He lusts for domestic power the way a drunk lusts for whisky. He lusts for domestic power in order to turn the United States into the fevered radical red image of his communist parents. Neither public opinion nor the Constitution of the United States deters him from the pursuit of absolute power. We shall see if he meekly relinquishes that power at noon on 20 January 2017. I spoke to President Obama just the other day and this is what he said:

Of all the promises I make
There’s only one that isn’t fake
The New York Times thinks this is jake
And that’s my lust for power
I love that I’m the man on top
And your destruction will not stop
I’ll knock out every single prop
To show my lust for power
You kneel to overwhelming might
That I possess by divine right
Respect for law I have but slight
I only lust for power

Sterling Silver

A Mr. Adam Silver, Commissioner of the National Basketball Association, has decreed that a Mr. Donald Sterling, owner of, among other things, the Los Angeles Clippers basketball team, be fined, denied entrance to his own building and denied any influence or direction in the activities of the team he owns, all for using language in a private conversation that certain people, including Mr. Silver, disapprove of, all on the authority of the constitution of the National Basketball Association. No mention has been made anywhere that I can see that Mr. Sterling has the absolute right as an American citizen to say whatever he wants in a private conversation. If his millionaire employees don’t like what he said they have the option of quitting and finding a part time job, but I don’t see any of them being quite that offended. I have no concern for the travails of Mr. Sterling, having heard his name for the first time just days ago, but I have a great deal of concern for the Constitution of the United States, which I believe is not inferior to the constitution of the National Basketball Association. I do not believe Mr. Sterling will sit quietly in a corner sucking his thumb. Mr. Summers took his unjustified feminist dismissal from Harvard lying down, but I don’t see Mr. Sterling knuckling under to the race hustlers. I predict he will bring civil suit against Mr. Silver and the NBA and win. The other owners know this and will not vote to force him to sell his team for his use of a few not well chosen words. If this holds, and a man can be deprived of his property because his words offended people, where will it end? The answer to that question is easy. It will end in fascist tyranny, a state the United States is now perilously close to achieving.

The Constitution now is being shredded
The First Amendment crippled, ripped and torn
For decades now we’ve seen where we were headed
Americans no longer free men born
The Left has not so subtly changed the nation
From laws that gave all citizens the right
To speak their minds no matter what their station
And never fear a knock on door at night
But grievance now trumps law in many cases
Minorities now thumb their nose at law
Demanding that the lipstick or dark faces
Now rules because of past wrongs that rubbed raw
The feminists demand Summers be fired
For wondering if men were good at math
And Sterling finds himself in lawsuit mired
For words that caused the racist hucksters’ wrath
The grievance industry has reached full flower
They’ve thrown the Constitution in the trash
They’ve grabbed the mighty reins of public power
And woe to those who whisper something rash

The Black Hole Of Calcutta

The news that Christian girls as young as twelve are being kidnapped from their villages in Nigeria by Muslims and being held as captive sex slaves has received scant attention from the western press, and especially the American press, intent as they are on the Republican war on women and the non-existent assault on gay rights. The American media is not a collection of news organizations so much as a collection of Democrat lap dogs. We do not expect them to be neutral arbiters of the news nor do they pretend to be. Kidnapped girls in Africa is beyond their concern, as is anything else that does not advance the progressive narrative and agenda.

The darkest black hole of Calcutta
Is brighter by far than the tomb
That’s lived in by western reporters
Where black holes are called the press room
The black holes are there for the purpose
Of keeping the news to their taste
All news has an event horizon
With never a cycle to waste
Beyond that the news is a service
To causes reporters embrace
The narrative must be observed and
Tea Party exposed in each case
That young girls are kidnapped in Niger
And sold as sex chattel enslaved
Is nothing to those in the newsrooms
Who think the deprived are depraved
Besides which no white men are present
No Christians to hammer with tongs
They sit before PCs and cameras
At ease with their scotch and their bongs

A Life On Loan

I sometimes wonder why I’m here, besides the obvious one of adding my DNA to the next generation and beyond, and lately I have taken to believe that my life, and all our lives, are not truly ours, but gifts, a loan from God. How that loan is repaid depends entirely on what we do with that gift.

It has been truly said, my friends
Our lives are ours on loan
At times we need to make amends
And other times atone
For we are granted heaven’s gift
Of God’s eternal life
And whether purposed or adrift
We deal with pain and strife
And yet God’s grace will see us through
If we will but accept
The love that’s ours whate’er we do
And promises He’s kept


Garry Owen They Ain’t

We have all seen the Western movies where the US Cavalry comes charging over the hill, all bugles and flags, to rescue the wagon train full of women and children from the thousands of hostile Indians attacking it. But before the charge the cavalry is proceeding at a more leisurely pace, not yet aware of the plight of the wagon train up ahead, riding along singing, spurs and bridles jingling, while in the background the studio orchestra plays The Garry Owen, the song of the US Cavalry. Few moviegoers recognize the music, but all have heard it many times, including Europeans, who have come to expect the US Cavalry to show up whenever and wherever needed. And they have. But this time it’s different. The US is not riding to the rescue of Ukraine, and we have told the Europeans that if Ukraine is to be rescued, it is European cavalry that will ride to the rescue. Obama is confident the EU cavalry is saddling up, but the EU cavalry is not quite so sure.

The cavalry’s coming, with music by Liszt
With banners and bugles ablaze
Aflame for the battle that’s not to be missed
Though they say it will take a few days
The horses you see have no saddles or shoes
They haven’t been used for some time
The unionized soldiers are waiting to choose
A horse on whose back they will climb
The lances are blunted no points on their tips
So sharpening them is a must
The depots are scattered, ‘twill take many trips
To find sabers not covered with rust
But we shall be there when the time comes to fight
With no single moment to waste
We know you’ll be waiting for us at first light
With confidence always misplaced