Tag Archives: obamacare

Winter In Moscow

In 1812 Napoleon’s La Grande Armee entered Moscow, believing they had won the war with Russia. The Russians thought otherwise, and shortly thereafter, starving and cold, the Grande Armee set out for home, across the trackless Russian steppe, in the dead of winter. Very few made it back to France. Obama’s desperate drive to get Obamacare passed in the Senate before Christmas was very like Napoleon’s drive to enter Moscow before winter set in, and the aftermath looks very much like Napoleon’s retreat from Moscow. The American people have seen, despite the heroic efforts by the mainstream media to disguise it, the sordid back alley deals the Dems used to get the needed 60 votes. The people have also seen that passage of Socialized medicine will bankrupt the country, ration healthcare, and enlarge the power of the Federal government, an unholy trinity the people of the United States reject by a substantial margin. And now the voters of Massachusetts have spoken for all of us. As of this writing, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the leaders of the Democratic party are meeting to try to figure out how to get this monstrosity passed, and they are looking at Reconciliation. If they can pull that off they will gotten the camel’s nose under the tent. And if they manage to push something down the throats of a public that has said loudly and clearly that they don’t want it, then the Democrat party will be savaged by the voters in November. If the Dems double down after the Massachusetts defeat, as both Obama and Axelrod have vowed to do, they may get something passed, but the cost to the Democrats will be enormous. Like Napoleon’s soldiers, very few of them will be returning.    



The snow so deep, the wind so cold

The city far away

There’s wealth and food there we were told

Press on another day!

We struggle on, the horses die

And still the city sits

Behind us ‘gainst the winter sky

So far from Austerlitz

We gained the prize, another dawn

But neither wealth nor food

The city burned, the people gone

The men in murderous mood

A tinsel prize, a barren dream

We starved and headed home

Through snow and sleet and cold that seem

To mock each onion dome

We died by roadside, died by wood

We watched the death toll grow

We ate our horses when we could

Then lay down in the snow

But I’m not dead, I’m still alive

Bemused, I watch the scene

As others force the snow and strive

To go where we have been

A tinsel prize, a barren dream

Health care and cap and trade

They never learn, so it would seem

For some dreams never fade

So they press on, alons! No fear!

For snow-bound sixty votes

But coming closer they can hear

The failing bugle notes



Rotten Fish

The political earthquake that happened Tuesday in Massachusetts has changed the landscape. For a short while there the Democrats thought they had captured the country, wrapped them in swaddling clothes and put them to bed. They thought they could milk the system to their benefit and no one would care or notice. They thought they could destroy the finest health care system the world has ever known with no one raising a voice against it. They thought they could increase the debt by trillions, give billions to unions and other Democrat constituencies without a murmur by the cowed populace. They thought they had a handle on the future, with the Democratic party the home of the young, the hip, the cool. They thought their message of hope and change was enough to quiet the crowd, but they were wrong. The message the Obamacrats were sending out was not selling. There’s an old saying: People won’t buy rotten fish. And rotten fish is what Obama and Reid and Pelosi were selling.



The cauldron hot, they stir the pot

And watch the swirling mist

Pronouncing every moving dot

Too lovely to be kissed

They think, they know, they own the show

The universe is theirs

The message for the plebes below

Is only mama cares

But power brings to would-be kings

Omnipotence and awe

But hubris shows what hubris brings

To those who flout the law



Cupboard Doors

President Obama has thrown open the doors to the Treasury to benefit unions, bankers and other assorted Democrat constituencies, saddling the country and its taxpayers with trillions of dollars of debt far into the future. And he is not done yet. If he is successful in destroying the finest health care system the world has ever seen the cost will be catastrophic, both in terms of money and in reduced health care. If he is successful in destroying the economy of the United States with a punitive carbon tax, the cost in jobs and standard of living will be irreversible. The looting of the Treasury continues apace, and soon the cupboard will be bare.



The cupboard doors

Had stood for scores

Of generations firm

Against the guys

Whose many tries

To open in their term

Who tried their worst

The doors to burst

The treasury to loot

And give the gold

To friends of old

And new found friends to boot

The cupboard doors

Withstood the whores

Who tried with might and main

To strip the land

To grease the hand

Of those with much to gain

Withstood them all

Until that Fall

When into town there strode

A man in black

Who did not lack

The cupboard’s very code

He opened wide

Just for his side

The cupboard and its sums

And gave away

What we all pay

In taxes to his chums

The unions got

From him a lot

Of power, votes and cash

And bankers cried

And tried to hide

Their bonus money bash

With trillions yet

To come in debt

Obama was not done

He pledged much more

From our small store

To fight the warming sun

Yet finding work

To him’s a quirk

No jobs? He doesn’t care

He’s not to blame

That’s not his game

Besides, the cupboard’s bare



Abdul Abulbul Amir

Richard Fernandez at the Belmont Club equates the President’s fight for socialized medicine with the comic song fight to the death between the Russian Hussar Ivan Skavinsky Skavar and the Turkish champion Abdul Abulbul Amir. The song is a putdown of the Russo-Turkish war of 1877, and is little heard or played today, and more’s the pity. Verse-afire has created an updated version, which we offer below. Click here to listen to the original 1927 version by Frank Crumit.



Miss Pelosi has said that she now has the votes

The Congress has moved very far

The Blue Dogs of course will be filled with remorse

Not so I. Skavinsky Skavar


For Ivan has teamed with the Democrat side

In spite of the disdainful sneer

From that bearded old man with the unnatural tan

His foeman Abulbul Amir


The House vote was close it came down in the end

To a Blue Dog from Tennessee bar

Who with faltering gait cast his vote very late

Hurried on by Skavinsky Skavar


It was then that the victors’ huzzahs turned to groans

As a fierce man tamped down the last cheer

And faced down the lout who had ended the bout

It was Abdul Abulbul Amir


The Sergeant-At-Arms cried his vote has been cast

It cannot be changed or denied

Then Ivan stepped in with a devilish grin

And strangled Abdul till he cried


They wrestled all night on the floor of the House

Pelosi first hung back in fear

Then with fierce flashing eyes she stabbed both of the thighs

Of Abdul Abulbul Amir


So the healthcare was passed by that one single vote

And the next day they named a new czar

Yes they plied him with wealth and they toasted the health

Of Ivan Skavinsky Skavar


But the story’s not over there’s more still to come

It will shock you and call forth a tear

Of the terrible fate that befell the once great

Abdul Abulbul Amir


He ran for the Congress himself in the Fall

He canvassed his district by car

He arrived in DC quite embarrassed to see

Speaker Ivan Skavinsky Skavar



A Moral Obligation

President Obama has has invited a group of pastors, rabbis and other religious leaders to support his healthcare proposals by claiming it is a religious duty and a moral obligation to do so. “I know there’s been a lot of misinformation in this debate, and there are some folks out there who are frankly bearing false witness.” But who is doing the lying here? Who is bearing false witness? The people who claim that socialized medicine will not kill grandma with death panels, will not result in piling on more massive debt, will not lead to rationing of health care? The ones who claim the insurance companies are evil? We know who is lying here, we know who is bearing false witness. Were the religious leaders swayed by the theatrics, by the smile, by the smooth teleprompter delivery? We hope not, but suspect they might be.       



Across the Galilee they rowed

Arriving tired and sleepy

Above them teleprompters glowed

The stone stage dark and creepy

They stirred with fascination as

The waters rose around them

Celestial angels singing jazz

As Acorn bands surround them

And then as trumpets fiercely blared

And lightning filled the sky

There came the One, the One who cared

Arriving on the sly

By walking on the watered stones

A grin from ear to ear

And from the crowd the roaring tones

Of vast celestial cheer

Then Obie raised his hand in peace

And said to quiet crowd

“My Father’s wonders never cease

He does what I’ve allowed”



In The Shadows

Obama says his health care plan offers a public option, whereby anyone who wishes to keep his current health care plan may do so. This is a Trojan horse, and everyone knows it. Barney Frank has stated publicly that the public option is a necessary first step toward a single payer system, the single payer, of course, being the government. The whole thing is a shadow play. Barney Frank knows, and we know, that the public option insurance companies will soon be driven out of the health care coverage business by a government run insurance company. The liberals are hoping to fool us with sweet-talking reasonableness, but we know them. They lurk in the shadows. They will never cease their attempts to turn the United States into their vision of utopia, a socialist state with them in charge. Only we can stop them.



In the shadows, in the dark

They lurk in hidden mist

They know that we’re the redneck mark

They know they’ve got the fist

And when by chance they’re in the light

And somehow truth they speak

We see at once that we were right

Their purpose is to sneak

Their socialist agenda on

Us unsuspecting slobs

Who will not know that freedom’s gone

Along with all our jobs

But 2010 will soon be here

And with it a new day

We’ll sweep the bastards never fear

And see them on their way



Somethin’ Fishy Goin’ On

The White House blog, The Blog, in a post by Macon Phillips called Facts Are Stubborn Things, asks people to notify them of posts or people they deem to be spreading untruths about the Obama health care proposals.


Mr. Phillips writes, There is a lot of disinformation about health care out there. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to flag at whitehouse.gov


Notice that the White House now refers to the intended destruction of the most successful medical system the world has ever seen as “health insurance reform”, tempting us to believe they intend a minor tweak, nothing to worry about. Move along, folks, there’s nothing going on here.



‘Tis but a step, with whispered smile

He said, To catch what’s fishy

To having all the names on file

Whose politics are squishy

Those folks who dare to disagree

With things that we are doing

While on this little spending spree

That some think is ungluing

The country that was forged in pain

And sacrifice and valor

And seem to think that there’s no gain

In bleeding down to pallor

All once held dear by all who claim

To love the country dearly

And yet will not accept the blame

For poor health care that yearly

Causes deaths and broken dreams

While costs are nearly tripling

And tea parties with right wing teams

Are very nearly crippling

Our plans to take this country down

The road to wrack and ruin

Those folks outside this DC town

Don’t know what they are doin’



Goodbye Gramps, It’s All In A Good Cause

House Blue Dog Democrats are reluctant to embrace the Obama health care scheme because they got badly burned by voting for the Cap and Trade carbon tax that was later shot down in the Senate, leaving them politically vulnerable back home, where the districts they represent are majority Republican. With Obama sagging in the polls, and the public increasingly opposed to Obamacare, it looks like Obama’s desired destruction of the finest health care system the world has ever known is on hold, at least for now. By the time Congress returns from August recess, having spoken to their constituents, Obamacare will be deservedly dead. The public is well aware that nationalized health care means rationed health care, which the government will spin as efficiency and savings, and rationed health care means many will die who would otherwise have lived. Like grammom and grampop.



Efficiency and savings are all that we crave

Which is why we suggest you die now

And of course we will speed you to your waiting grave

And our doctors will tell you just how

Just lie down be comfy and smile while we work

It’s over in just little time

A needle, a pinch, you will find we don’t shirk

Just remember you’re not in your prime

And what is more sir please remember that you

Voted straight Democrat in the Fall

So needless to say you’re the head of the queue

With the line stretching far down the hall

We really don’t like offing gents of your age

But it’s for your own good, really, pops

The road that you’re taking is now all the rage

And you’ll find that our caskets are tops