Christmas Eve – The Lonely Road

We tend to think of ourselves as freewheeling free spirits, rolling down life’s highway, the route laid out, with the goal always somewhere up ahead. But the truth is, we are all passengers in a wayward bus, travelling down a lonely road that seems to have no end, past cornfields and tract homes, past malls and gas stations, none of which seem real, for in truth we never stop to see if the corn is ripe or if the kids in the tract houses are playing stickball in the street, never stop to see what’s on sale in the mall or never seem to need to stop for gas.  We’re just passengers, along for the ride.

The bus is filled with those like thee
The driver undefined
The destination well may be
Just simple peace of mind
We take our seat when we are born
And ride the lonely road
Past shopping malls and fields of corn
Each mile the once light load
Gets heavier as we proceed
Down troubled life’s highway
So great the load the love we need
Seems not to come our way
But that’s because we do not see
Through dirty windows fogged
That there is One who waits for thee
As all the miles are logged
Yes, God’s the driver of the bus
He shows to you the way
He does not scold, He makes no fuss
If you care not to stay
At any time if you so choose
You may depart the road
And leave the bus with naught to lose
Except the heavy load
That God has given you to bear
That takes you to your goal
That keeps you in God’s tender care
And your immortal soul
You leave the bus to your great cost
For toll roads driven fast
And at the end you find you’ve lost
By thinking it would last

Republican Debates

Lindsay Graham, polling at minus zero, has packed it in, leaving only one hundred and forty two candidates standing on the crowded stage, though there is only one headliner, one spotlight, and one curtain call. Do we really need more debates?

Oh the RNC says you and me
Should see some more debates
Where guys with polls just full of holes
Lip tangle with the fates
And hope the mike will lightning strike
And fighting words emerge
A stirring call that thrills the hall
And gets a one point surge
Oh the GOP says can’t they see
That if it’s Trump they choose
We’ll lose the prize, it’s just not wise
To vote for Trump and Cruz
The voters say out of the way
We’re tired of guys like you
Guys who declare that it’s just fair
To let the Lefties do
Whatever they might do or say
So long’s we get our share
Along we play most every day
And well why should you care?
The people speak from week to week
Poll numbers tell the tale
That weekly bump for Donald Trump
Just drives Reince Priebus pale

Along For The Ride

When little Barack Hussein Obama entered into first grade his declared religion was Muslim. But do we know for certain whether that religion was Sunni or Shia? Certainly his loving embrace of Iran would seem to indicate he considers himself a Shi’ite, but then he bowed to the Sunni Saudi king, so his religious and political affiliation may still be in question. This ambivalence may explain why President Obama has decided he was just along for the ride.

He’s spent his full term by the side of the road
Hitchhiking, his thumb in the air
Alone in the world like a latter day Joad
The Grapes Of Wrath heavy to bear
The Kenworth slows down, air brakes hiss, it’s his ride
Obama climbs into the cab
And only then sees there is no one inside
Just him and a dog, a big Lab
Who smiles and says okay Bud where to today
Obama says you can decide
I care not at all, please just take me away
I feel like my world has just died
I’m torn by the sight of these religious folks
My brothers in case you don’t know
I want to say friends can I buy you all cokes
And turn it all over to Joe
The dog said a Kenworth can make your hurt less
But know, friend, it’s useless to hide
I know, said Obama, the world is a mess
That’s why I’m along for the ride

The Hitchhiker

Barack Obama has set the Middle East aflame and then sat back and watched it burn, his policy of leading from behind bearing bitter fruit. Bu tis the fruit bitter to Barack Hussein Obama? Is he monumentally incompetent or is the destruction of the West and the restoration of the Islamic Caliphate his goal? Adolf Hitler, in the glory years of the Rhineland, Anschluss and Munich, remarked that he was like a somnambulist, walking unerringly through European history. Obama is no sleepwalker. He is a hitchhiker, a passenger in a careering eighteen wheeler, caring only that he is going where his parents and handlers have determined.

At night bright diamonds line the road
Defining time and space
A road the great Obama strode
Though at a snail-like pace
Obama knew not blacktop nor
The tractor-trailer screams
Of air horns and the diesel roar
That permeates the dreams
Of hitchhikers with upraised thumb
Just looking for a ride
Obama loved the steady hum
Of traffic by roadside
The air brakes hiss, there’s engine heat
He’s in, in nothing flat
And then he sees the empty seat
Where once a driver sat
It matters not to this good man
That goals in fact recede
The Arab Spring, Afghanistan
He cares not if we bleed
Incompetence is just a show
He knows what has been planned
The hated Western world must go
And he the guiding hand
And so he rides the lonely nights
A passenger to fate
The highway flashing in the lights
Hitchhiking to  Hell’s gate


With public prayer being purged from our schools and sporting events, what will happen when all the players named Kareem and Muhammed decide to face east before the game and kneel and touch their foreheads to the court or field. When the Christian clergy are no longer allowed to lead the team in prayer, and are banned from locker rooms, will Imams be forbidden as well? I believe we all know the answer. When the national anthem is discontinued before games because it is offensive to legal and illegal aliens alike, whose anthem will be allowed? The millennial generation of Americans knows next to nothing of the history of the West let alone the history of their own country. Whose history will their children be taught?

It’s risen slow, the soft warm tide
Unnoticed by the mass
Of busy people who decide
To just let those things pass
Why bother if the kids can’t pray
Aloud in public school
Time’s past a prayer would start the day
But then a rule’s a rule
But if minorities object
And claim their jealous god
Rules everything to great effect
Why then we give the nod
Accommodation is our creed
Not sacred wine and bread
Fulfilling every wish and need
Of those who want us dead

622 AD

In the year 622 AD, or the year 1 in the Islamic calendar, Mohammed fled Mecca for Medina, thus creating the two holiest cities in all Islam. It would be a pity to lose them, but the world would be better off if we turned them into modern American cities.

When Allah whispered in his ear
Mohammed, son, let’s make this clear
Do this for me and I will make
Of yonder sea a Muslim lake
Your progeny shall rule these lands
If you but leave these burning sands
And conquer worlds in my behalf
Forbidding all the golden calf
Instructing infidels to cast
Their sons in fire for the past
Offenses they have done to me
The Lord of all from sea to sea
And so was born to bitter fate
The once great golden Caliphate
Where Muslim princes turban crowned
Bestrode the world whose very ground
Was deemed to be the Prophet’s own
And from such land was carnage sown
As it was then so it is now
The Prophet’s men will show us  how
To kill as well as how to die
And so it’s time to say goodbye
To holy cities they hold dear
Destroy them not, no never fear
Just make of them a welfare state
And watch them crumble to their fate
Rename them Detroit, Newark too
Then wall them in and toodle-oo

1177 BC Redux

Few people, and none of our leaders, are aware that 1177 BC saw the collapse of what was, at the time, the most advanced civilization on the face of the Earth. That collapse brought forth a new civilization headed by Carthage and later Rome, so the collapse of Western civilization will not bring an eternal void, but a new world civilization, which will probably look more like 1177 AD than anything familiar to us today. Fewer white babies are being born today in the United States than black and brown babies. In the United States and Western Europe more white people die every year than are born. In two generations Americans of White European heritage will be a minority in their own country, with citizens of a Third World culture running the government

When citizens of Mexico
Vote in the USA
Do not expect their votes to go to thee
For they will vote for those they know
It’s always been that way
And with majority then we shall see
That soon White people will be forced
To choose where they shall live
In Canada or enclaves gated shut
Their taxes fully now resourced
And all they have to give
To fund the welfare state no matter what
White people that once built this land
And led the world in art
And science and technology as well
See deserts now returned to sand
And while they do their part
In time the country’s doomed to third world hell


Demographics is destiny, and demographics says, as clearly as anything can be said, that if present population trends continue, both Western Europe and the United States will have non-European majority populations in about two generations. In Europe the problem is Muslim immigrants and in the United States it is Mexican immigrants. It may be too late for Europe to avoid catastrophe. Sweden has already become a majority Muslim nation, and the rest is certain to follow. Catastrophe because Sharia law follows Muslim majorities, with Islamic fascism settling over Europe, where the descendants of the people who built the world’s greatest civilization, the people who gave the world art and music and science and medicine and technology are reduced to second class status in their own country, forbidden to own property, forbidden to send their daughters to school, doomed to watch their cathedrals and culture destroyed. To counter this catastrophe, the Europeans will raise up fascist dictators who will do what the current Leftist political elites will not do, which is to fight for the land of their fathers, thus ensuring another catastrophe, war to the death between Muslims and Christians that will make the Thirty Years War look peaceful. The non-white majority for the United States will not result in bloody religious civil war, and so will not be quite as catastrophic, except for those whites doomed to live in a third world country ruled by people from another culture and in another language.

But will all the trends continue
Will the immigration cease
Will the Muslims now in Europe
Give up war and turn to peace?
Will the European people
Come to see the threat in time
Or will European Leftists
Say resistance is a crime?
In the US will white people
Shrug and turn the other cheek
As the country changes color
And the language that we speak
Becomes Spanish out on Main Street
Signs say English spoken here
And our black and brown great cities
Harbor folks who live in fear
As the color coded turf war
Turns the neighborhoods blood red
And the few remaining white folk
Hunker down in fear and dread
But resistance groups will gather
Led by strong and ruthless men
Grow in strength and arms and fight to
Get their country back again
We have seen this all before when
Tribes invaded others’ land
And the issue that’s decided
Is just who it is will stand
When the horse-borne fearsome swordsmen
Ride in out the blood red sky
Do you fight or let your children
Cry in fear and wonder why

Ichthopogenic Global Warming

The Global Warming/Climate Change conference in Paris has just broken up, with the nations of the world signing on to promises that will lead to national economic suicide, despite the overwhelming evidence that there is no such thing as anthropogenic global warming. The global warming zealots will not give up, though some are now trying to blame the fish. A recent global warming study states that the Atlantic Ocean is witnessing an explosive increase in the number of phytoplankton, an increase caused by the decrease in the number of codfish, with the resulting increase in CO2 released by the phytoplankton responsible for an increase in the danger to the world from global warming. Got that? So now the codfish are to blame for global warming. When the fishermen of the Iberian Peninsula ventured west, beyond the fishing banks off Iceland, they found the cod along the coast of North America so numerous it was said you could walk ashore on the backs of the cod and not get your feet wet. Dried onshore into filets about the size and texture of a slightly edible wooden shingle, the North American cod, their existence held secret for many years, was in many cases the only protein the peasants of Europe could afford. Are we now to believe that by dying off the cod are responsible for global warming? Ichthopogenic? Why not? The planet has been warming for the last eleven thousand years, since the end of the last ice age, with periods of cooling and periods of warming, but always, since then, in the direction of warming. When Leif Ericson sold farmland in Greenland some eleven or twelve hundred years ago, Greenland was free of ice, and now it is covered with a mile thick blanket of the frozen stuff. Global warming, like Marxism, is a religion, and its adherents will not be dissuaded by fact. In the eyes of Obama et al, we are heretics, and they are preparing the auto de fe.

The wood is heaped, the match is struck
And such as we are out of luck
The flames are licking at our shoes
The winners win and losers lose
But phytoplankton save the day
They bloom and are again in play
And soon the sea is filled with cod
And walk we shall to shore dry shod


It is amusing to see the Democrat establishment line up and sing in unison, like blackbirds sitting in a tree, tenors, sopranos, contraltos, basses, politicians, press and actors, warbling away like what they sing is meaningful. Let a Muslim shoot up a Christmas party and the cry from the avian chorus is for gun control. Let a Trump call for a temporary restriction of Muslim immigration into the country until we know for certain there are no terrorists among the immigrants the screeching from the tree rises to a crescendo as the Leftist blackbirds simultaneously detonate their suicide vests.

Blackbirds sitting in a tree
Amusing themselves musically
By singing all the songs they’ve learned so well
In summer stock and on the road
At times hushed tones or blackbird code
Don’t watch or listen lest you break the spell
From time to time the singing stops
With fluttered, agitated hops
The chorus changes to an angry screech
For someone’s said a naughty word
And instantly the Leftist bird
Screams what is being said is pure hate speech
When all was said that immigrants
From Muslim countries take thee hence
Until we figure who was friend or foe
You’d think that Trump did recommend
We lay all Muslims end to end
And tag a DOA on each big toe
The blackbirds never change their tune
So shallow, stupid, so jejune
They sing to other blackbirds of their kind
They sit so smugly in their tree
Amusing themselves mightily
Not knowing that real people pay no mind