Mameluke Days

Obama believes it is immoral to hold prisoners of war in a five star hotel in Guantanamo, so he kills them instead. This is all to the good, though it deprives us of essential intelligence. Nonetheless, one can only applaud the strategy of the only good Muslim is a dead Muslim, and if Loretta Lynch wants to prosecute me for saying so then so be it.

The war that began when the fierce Muslim hordes
Swept out of the desert with red bloody swords
Then crossed into Spain and were checked by the French
And ever since then we have lived with the stench
Of Islamic terror and war to the knife
For Islam the duty to give up one’s life
For Allah and Islam is bred in the bones
For after the slaughter the martyr atones
And lives with his virgins in idyllic space
Both warmed by the love of the Prophet’s soft grace
The Muslim has killed us and held us at war
For many a year, fourteen hundred or more
They dream of the day of the white Mameluke
The dream will now end with a Mecca bound nuke

A Martyr’s Tale

Syed Farook, a devout Muslim, and his wife Tashfeen Malik, also a devout Muslim, were elevated to the glorious state of Islamic martyrdom by slaughtering fourteen innocent and unsuspecting civilians at a Christmas party, leaving their six month old baby girl in the hands of Allah the Merciful. As police bullets crashed into him, Farook undoubtedly thought of the wonderful afterlife promised him.

The virgins waiting for him all
So young and undefiled
Celestial fields where he and all
His virgins can run wild
The soft warm nights in soft warm arms
‘Neath Allah’s smiling gaze
The murmur of the cooling spring
That fills his wondrous days
The Saudi universities
They promised with a view
He smiled and thought how wonderful
To go to Farook U
And read the Quran every night
And memorize the text
And contemplate the master plan
And wonder who’ll be next
To feel the scourge of Allah’s whip
The thought quite made him laugh
These fleeting thoughts as police guns
Wrote down his epitaph

The Coronation Of Barack The First

The world is moving quickly to catastrophe, all as desired by the shrouded figures who put Obama in the White House. Shortly after Obama won re-election in 2012 I began writing, in these pages, that I was convinced that Obama would use an as yet undetermined crisis, whether real or created, to run for a third term. That crisis is no longer undefined, and is now upon us, and it takes three forms: the international situation that may well lead to a major war sometime in 2016, the second Islamic killings in American malls and other soft targets leading to martial law, and the third the orchestrated collapse of Hillary Clinton by an indictment by the Obama Justice Department. Any one of the three would be sufficient for Obama’s purpose, but it appears likely that all three are merging into one crisis opportunity for Obama. It is clear Obama will not be able to complete the destruction of the United States in only eight years, and so he needs more time to fulfill the wishes of his father and very likely the wishes of his mother and grandparents as well. Born a Muslim to a Muslim Communist father and a fellow-traveling mother, both of whom abandoned him, his maternal grandparents sent him to an American Communist, Frank Marshall Davis, to be educated. And he is doing what he was trained to do, and what he was expected to do. Count on it. It will all come down in the summer of 2016, just before the Democratic Party convention, and Obama will be nominated for a third term by acclimation, and he will win a third term by fear and fraud, and the American experiment will have come to an end. And there will be a sequel as the United States fractures into two separate countries. Fanciful? Yes. But in the course of human history the fanciful happens all the time.

The promise of eternal rule has beckoned
And all that stands before him, paper thin
Is just the words Amendment Twenty-Second
That says that no third term shall now begin
That two terms is the most that one can serve as
President of these United States
Obama though says more time he deserves as
He is the greatest of the country’s greats
And so he rules us now and for forever
An emperor and savior in his prime
He promises that he will leave us never
For he intends to rule a long, long time

Battleship Row

Guts and valor are words not usually associated with inanimate objects, but ships are not inanimate objects. Ships are live, living things. Ships, as well as men, can be tough and resilient. Such were the ships of Battleship Row.

0755 SUNDAY, 7 DECEMBER 1941

A quiet, peacetime Sunday morning. Seven battleships swung gently at their moorings; Maryland, Oklahoma, Tennessee, West Virginia, Arizona, Nevada and California. Pacific Fleet flagship Pennsylvania was in drydock. When the attack came, half their crews were ashore, and most of the officers. None had steam up, for it was Sunday, and all was at peace. Except Nevada. Nevada had steam. Nevada could move. At the height of the attack, with burning and exploding ships all around her, already severely hurt by a torpedo to her port side, Nevada, under Lt. Commander Francis J. Thomas, senior officer aboard, broke out her big battle ensign and stood down the channel, heading for the open sea. Sailors on the burning ships cheered and threw their caps in the air, but Nevada’s gallant sortie was short lived. Five Japanese dive bombers laid her low, beaching her.

The battleships were ultimately raised and rebuilt, those that were salvageable. They rejoined the fleet, but the war had passed them by. It was a carrier war now, and the World War 1 era battleships were too slow, could not keep up with the fast carriers. They were relegated to fire support, and accompanied the Marines in their march across the Pacific, bombarding the beaches, their 14 and 16 inch guns trained on palm trees instead of dreadnoughts, declared unfit to do the job for which they were built. Until Surigao.

SURIGAO STRAIT, 0351 TO 0409 hours, 25 OCTOBER 1944

Vice Admiral Nishimura, with a force of battleships, cruisers and destroyers, was heading for the Leyte beaches and the soft-skinned, vulnerable transports, still loaded with troops. Standing across his path was Admiral Oldendorf, and six old fire support battleships, all but Mississippi on Battleship Row that Sunday morning in December. The other five were California, Tennessee, West Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania. Oldendorf put his weary old battleships in line ahead, a Battle Line, as battleships had fought since the 17th century, and waited for Nishimura. At 0351 the big guns lit the sky. Oldendorf brought his big ships across the Japanese front, crossing the T, the dream of every admiral down the centuries, doing to the Japanese what Togo had done to the Russians at Tsushima nearly forty years earlier. The Japanese fought back, but when Nishimura turned away his battleships were gone, along with most of his heavy cruisers.

Surigao was the last battleship to battleship action of WWII, and very likely the last big gun surface action battleship fight the world is likely to see, and it was fought by ships that had been sunk at Pearl Harbor and returned to life. Ships, like men, can be judged by their deeds, and some, like the ships of Battleship Row, by their sheer stubbornness, their refusal easily to die. Ships, like men, are alive, and though it took the ships of Battleship Row almost three years, they gained their revenge in the only way they knew how. With their guns.

Torn by bombs, wracked by fire
They settled slowly to the harbor floor
Breathing their last, or so some thought
But not they
Rising, they joined their kind
Who scorned them now
As the young scorn the old
The slow
They did their job
Plodding the vastness of the central sea
Island to island
A supporting cast
Gaining no praise
No, that was for the young
The swift
The carriers
That blessed night
When called upon to be themselves
They were
Themselves and more

The Providers

The Liberal/Progressives who now run the country and the culture charge that police are murderers and that the military are baby killers. They believe the fewer police and military the safer everyone is, not understanding that their safety is provided by the Provider culture, the police and firemen and military, whom they detest and despise. The wonder is that despite being detested and despised the police and the military nonetheless do their jobs, which is keeping everyone safe. But what happens if the providers of safety decide they will no longer risk their lives to keep safe those who detest and despise them? I well remember an incident in Philadelphia some years ago when an explosion and fire at a refinery killed eleven firemen, resulting in eleven Masses of Christian burial. The Provider class lives in the midst of the Liberal class, and protects them even though the Liberal class looks down on their protectors and are determined to create animosity and division between the Providers and the rest of the Liberal/Blue State/Blue City populations. What will happen when the divide is finally complete, and the Providers all live in Red States or in Conservative pockets of Blue States, and cities like New York and Detroit are left in the hands of its feral inhabitants with no one to protect them? Will the Liberals beg the Providers to come back? Not bloody likely. And I do mean bloody.

Blue cities wracked by tooth and claw
Beset by killers rage red raw
Denying need for force and law
With all Providers gone
Left to their fate the people quake
Behind locked doors with lives at stake
And begging God to let them make
It safely to the dawn


Muslim killers attacked a soft target in San Bernadino, California, yesterday, leaving fourteen dead and seventeen wounded. This will not be the last. We have a president who will not call them by name, will no doubt call yesterday’s massacre workplace violence, even though the killers were Muslim, and one of the killers, a woman now happily dead from police bullets, was a citizen of Qatar. The Leftist leaders of the Western world pretend to be on our side, but it’s all a mosquerade. Not content with ruling a dwindling European white population, they are intent on replacing it with third world immigrants, whether Arab or Mexican, After decades of killings and car burnings and violence in the Muslim immigrant banlieues, and within hours of the mass murder of 130 innocent civilians by home grown Muslim terrorists, French president Hollande announced that France would take in an additional 30,000 Muslim terrorists. Not to be outdone, President Obama followed suit by demanding the entry of an immediate 10,000 Muslim terrorists and the entry of another 200,000 before he leaves office, all while encouraging the tidal influx of illegal Mexicans into the country. Demographics tell the story. White women have renounced having babies, and within measurable time the United States and Western Europe will be majority non-white, the Western culture and civilization will be overturned, and the nanny state will be no more, along with democracy and everything else. And there does not appear to be a damn thing we can do about it, though there may be much blood shed in the short run.

After a time that quickly flies
After a major city dies
After the muzzein’s call to prayer
After the smiling folks from CAIR
Tell us that they are just plain folks
But warn of quick death for Allah jokes
And after the Mexicans take hold
Of all the Southwest they owned of old
And after they take all of the jobs
Reducing us to a life of Hobbes
And telling the Blacks they’re just like Whites
And henceforth will neither have the rights
They thought they would have forever more
The rights that their fathers fought wars for
Thus gaineth the Mosque, the Koran text
The Muslims all smile the wetbacks next
Byzantium West will slowly fade
And all because of the Mosquerade

The Stranger In The House

Western Europe has invited hundreds of thousands of Muslim strangers into their house, and are now finding the strangers believe the house belongs to them. And viewing with satisfaction the Muslim murders of innocent civilians in Paris, President Barack Hussein Obama is intent on inviting into the United States several hundred thousand Muslim strangers, who will no doubt view their American hosts, as they view their European hosts, as beasts to be slaughtered.

Beware of strangers you invite
Into your home to dine
On steaks and chops and every bite
Washed down with good red wine
These strangers from another land
Another way of life
These strangers who would kiss your hand
And still conceal the knife
These strangers you have taken in
Grow stronger every day
And soon you are forsaken in
Your land where forebears lay
For now you find your stranger guest
Has one thing that he craves
And that is to fulfill his quest
To dance upon your graves

Ancient Music

Our ancestors looked to the skies, for only the sharply glowing lights told the truth. Yet, even so, the truth, so graciously vouchsafed, fell by the wayside and perished, leaving us with nothing to believe in.

Black velvet clothed the darkened sky
Pierced by the brilliant light
Of diamonds glowing as they lie
Upon the velvet night
Below the creatures of the wold
The creatures of the grass
Beheld the diamonds that foretold
What harm would come to pass
The humming spheres so softly sang
The golden written scores
That spoke of shrieks and screams that rang
Of past and future wars
And bright filled lands of cooling breeze
And mountains snow top high
With rushing water to the seas
Filled with the loon’s keen cry
The creatures of the wold held fast
They did believe it not
The creatures of the grass at last
Believed but soon forgot
The velvet sky no longer cloaks
The singing diamond spheres
As in the wold the raven croaks
So wise beyond his years

The Invisible War

It develops that President Obama, having eagerly surrendered our advantage in Iraq to Iran, and putting thirty thousand men into Afghanistan, a landlocked stone age country of absolutely no importance to the United States, has stealthily begun his own series of low level wars, using drones and small numbers of special forces. How lovely. Everything is stealthy now, including the administration. Stealthy drones, stealthy airplanes, stealthy submarines, robots, invisibility cloaks, nothing to see here, move along. Yet it all comes down to the visible finger on the very visible button that opens the silo door. When that happens we will all be invisible.

With drones and airplanes stealthy
The art of war is healthy
With battlefields no longer like the Somme
No casualties to speak of
And after a short week of
Invisible sharp conflict comes the bomb
For everyone has nukes up
When someone puts his dukes up
The boomers flood their tubes and wait their turn
Invisible and stealthy
No longer just the wealthy
Can say the word and watch the landscape burn

The Belgian Connection

Many of the Muslim terrorists who murdered one hundred and thirty people in Paris recently, and wounded hundreds more, were Belgian citizens, most living in Brussels, where the attack was planned and started from. There is a history here. There was no such place as Belgium until 1830. What is now Belgium was part of France, the northern district of Flanders, taken from France when Napoleon abdicated in 1814, and added to the Netherlands, forming the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Riots in Brussels in 1830 resulted in the formation of the Kingdom of Belgium. Most of the new Kingdom of Belgium spoke French, which they do to this day. The Muslim terrorists also spoke French, leading one to wonder if the urgent warnings of Muslim attacks on Brussels are related at all to a revanchist movement to reclaim Flanders for France, as part of a larger European France based Caliphate.

Obama says that ISIS are the jayvees
That countries have both air forces and navies
That ISIS could not conquer such as France and
That if they tried they would not stand a chance and
Besides the Muslims are a peaceful bunch that
Would never do it and he has a hunch that
It all would quiet down if we are nice to
The murderers if we just pay the price to
Give them their Caliphate and stop these tussles
And have their capital in Muslim Brussels