The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth

The Bible says the meek shall inherit the earth. Well, if they do it will be because we gave it to them out of a sense of guilt at our success versus their failure. Failure today has its own reward. The failures today have a heightened sense of entitlement, demanding from the successful and the hard working that they, the failures and the nonworking, are entitled to share in what the workers have earned, on the theory that the successful have stolen their success and money from the unsuccessful. Western society, North America and Europe, have accepted the claim of the nonproductive and the failures to compensation for their failure, to the extent that enormous and continuing benefits given to the nonproductive have brought the economies of Western Europe to collapse and the economy of the United States is the shakiest it has ever been. What cannot continue will not continue, and the free lunch that incentivizes people to not work will either come to an end or the free lunch will destroy the democracies.

We sit around our tables, mouthing words to salve our guilt
Believing as we do that wealth is theft
Not understanding that the world we know is one we built
And that when we are gone it will be left
To those who know not how to build a steamship or a train
Whose lives are short and trampled in the dust
By poverty we try to mend with help we give in vain
The money never going to the just
We look at hungry children and our hearts cry out in grief
Why has a providential nature fled
And left the weakest of them with a life so sadly brief
To lie alone among the countless dead
Why is it we are blessed to have such wealth so much at hand
While others struggle just to stay alive
Could it just be that we rolled up our sleeves to tame the land
And fought the world we knew just to survive
Inventing science and a faith allowing us to live
Our lives as God and science would allow
Arriving as we did at last with surpluses to give
To those who think we stole it anyhow

Payback’s A Bitch

In March 2013 a radical Muslim organization called Seleka took over the Central African Republic and began killing Christians. The problem for Seleka was that the CAR is more Christian than Muslim, and the Christians finally reacted by killing Muslims to such an extent that Muslims are fleeing the country by the millions. And of course the European and American Left are blaming the Christians for the killings, conveniently leaving out the Christian killings by Seleka that started it. The lesson here is that the elephant will endure the ankle bite of the ant until such time as the ant bites become unbearable, and when that time comes the elephant stomps on the ants. Some elephants endure the ant bites longer than other elephants, but in the end the ants always get stomped on. So it was and is with the murderous Muslims of the Central Afican Republic, and so it will be of the murderous Muslims who massacre Christians in Egypt and Libya and Nigeria and elsewhere, believing, as they do, that since the elephant has not as yet stomped on them, the elephant never will. They are mistaken. It may take an Iranian atomic bomb exploding in or over New York City or Paris or London, but it will come. And when it comes, the elephant will without compunction stomp out Muslims near and far, guilty or innocent. Such is the nature of elephants and ants.

The elephant, ungainly beast
Is slow to anger but at least
He knows that just his slightest shrug
Will be enough to stomp that bug

Too Much Gloom

There is entirely too much gloom these days. We are not Venezuela, we are not Argentina, we are not the Soviet Union. Venezuela did not collapse, the socialist policies collapsed. The people of Venezuela are still there, the oil is still there, the infrastructure is still there. A sharp dose of economic sanity and all will be well again. The Soviet Union lasted only a mere seventy-four years before collapsing of its own internal contradictions, but Russia is still there. Russia has reverted to authoritarian rule, but Russia has never in its history had a democratic government; authoritarianism is all they know. In the United States the creeping socialism of the past eighty years has run its course, and is now being recognized for the danger it is. The United States will not collapse, but there is every chance it will morph into a two society state, one Western and one Third World. Demography is destiny, and the people who built this country will be a minority in their own land in another thirty years or so unless White women resume having babies. The danger in straight line extrapolation is that something always comes along to bend the straight line. I don’t know what that something will be, but it will happen. As Nostradamus once said,

Look upon the sunny side
And laugh upon the funny side
For things are never dark as they may seem
For sure as the Sun circles Earth*
The plentied times will follow dearth
And children laugh and play while mothers dream

*Nostradamus had never heard of Copernicus.

Your Typical Omananoid

Obamacare appears to be in its Death Throes, but you wouldn’t know it by listening to the Obamanoids. Obama says the law is what he says it is, no matter what the Constitution says, and has, time after time, extended or waived or brushed aside the written and passed by Congress and signed by the President law. None of this blatant disregard for the law is of the slightest concern for the Obamanoids. I spoke to one of them the other day, and this is what he said.

Come on now what’s the worry
We’re surely in no hurry
To say that our Obamacare has flaws
Why people are enrolling
And Nancy is extolling
The best healthcare on Earth to wild applause
There will be some upheavals
No biscuit’s free of weevils
But in the end we’ll all love Bamacare
We’ll live with the Death Panels
Trod bureaucratic channels
And laugh at you who think we’ve been unfair


There are some who claim that in the past 60 years Americans have become steadily less mobile. Good times and steady paychecks have a way of keeping people at home, as opposed to the enforced mobility of the Depression Thirties where people were on the move trying to find work. This of course was before the unemployment check for the rest of your life entitlement of the nanny state. In my view the young and the mobile will head for the Red States as jobs and freedom vanish in the Blue States. It is happening now, and as it increases in volume the United States will be transformed into a two tiered society, one prosperous, one Greece. And when the workers in the free and prosperous Red States tire of supporting the free loaders in the Blue States, a choice will be made. I don’t know what that choice will be, and most of us will not be around to see it, but our children and grandchildren will. The question of Union will rise again, and this time the secessionists may well decide to cast the failed socialist Blue States adrift to shift for themselves.

We don’t need no mobility
Cry the fey Blue State nobility
We’ve got the answer and we’ve got the votes
We sing this song together
Come sun or stormy weather
We write the words and also write the notes
Don’t send the Times no letters
Don’t question us your betters
We’ve put us on a path that can’t be turned
Look back with tears of sorrow
For there is no tomorrow
Wish now in vain for that which you have spurned

The Road To Serfdom

Back when LBJ began his war on poverty, critics complained, correctly, that it would be cheaper to give everybody $10,000 every year than to build a giant bureaucracy. Of course, thanks to the inevitable inflation that always comes with fiat money, that $10,000 would now be 100,000 easily printed and increasingly worthless dollars. And still it would not be enough for those dependent on the government for their very existence, for they see only those with more than they, and in their envy decry as profiteers those whose labor sustains the entire shaky edifice. The shining city on the hill is being undermined, and the whole thing will one day come tumbling down on serf and entrepreneur alike.

The shining city on the hill
No longer shines at all
The government in DC will
Tax Pete to give to Paul
And Paul becomes a tenant serf
Though serfs with mighty votes
Who vote to keep their unearned turf
Despite the leaking boats
They understand as serfcom’s lot
They watch the shore recede
And blame their plight on them’s what got
With profiteering greed

Manly Men

Hanna Rosin, in the Atlantic Monthly, wrote an article titled The End Of Men, in which she stated, more or less, that American women now favored metrosexual men over manly men, slim men over burly men, hairless men over hairy men, sopranos over basso profundos and weak men over macho men. It may be that few of today’s twenty-somethings ever heard of Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy, movie faves of the 30s and 40s. Stan was a meek little guy, always being put upon, while Oliver was the guy in charge of everything. Hanna Rosin is not correct, she views the world through radical feminist glasses, but if, somehow, she were correct, those movie roles would have to be reversed. The incompetent, arrogant, strong willed Oliver Hardy would be overlooked and put upon while the nebbish Stanley Laurel walked off with the girl as the credits rolled.

Mothers wanted boys to grow up manly
And win their laurels fighting hand to hand
But laurels turned into a guy named Stanley
Who far from manly was indeed quite bland
Oliver grew up life of the party
A manly man the women all adored
But somehow women turned to guys not hardy
And started picking guys who leave them bored
Perhaps they like them for their charming meekness
Perhaps they like them ‘cause they will not fight
Whatever is the cause for female weakness
You have to be a nerd to spend the night
And so it is that manly guys like us are
Confined to looking in on all the fun
We’re fearless, muscled, strong minded and thus are
Found wandering the desert getting none


The thorny question of immigration is with us again, as it always is, as it always will be, given the propensity of the Democrats to care more for reelection than for the life or death of the country. The Reconquista is moving apace, regardless of what John Boehner does or does not do, regardless of what the Republican Party does or does not do. It is a done deal. Once set in motion the only option is to put all illegals in internment camps or ship them home, and neither is going to happen. No fence will be built, and the United States is well on its way to Balkanization, a dual language society like Quebec. Within a hundred years the southwest will again be Mexican, if only in the guise of an autonomous Spanish speaking American republic. In that same time frame the remaining states will fracture into Blue Model states and Constitutional states, with little friendship between them, hip hop music on the radios in the Blue states and Country music in the Red states. Badminton and croquet will be the national sports of the Blue states, and Football and Nascar the national sports of the Red states. In anticipation, I have taken to singing the current national anthem with the following lyrics:

O say can you see by the dusk’s fading light
What was proudly once hailed
Now in twilight’s last gleaming
And Barackets Red glares
The la bomba our heirs
Gave proof through their might
That our flag is now theirs
No more does that star mangled banner yet wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave


The president has announced a billion dollar fund to combat the non-existent threat of non-existent global warming. Maybe we should announce a fund to combat the existent threat of an existent president.

Global Warming back in the news
It’s acolytes still in the pews
Their god the god of fake emails
And hockey sticks when science fails
Who are these guys, these acolytes
Why do they wear those satin tights
Silk stockings on their shapely legs
Who are these folks, the question begs
They’ve been around for eons, hence
Forever more these shifty gents
Will harry us and spread much gloom
And camp out to await the doom
They shrieked there’d be an ice age soon
And when that failed they changed their tune
To claim that warming they would fix
And tax us heedless, stupid hicks
They will not stop, they will not cease
Their cries of doom will just increase
Until we cease to be so nice
And send them all to chopping ice
Antarctica is where they’ll go
To pray their god to melt the snow

Circled Suns

In a locked, sealed and heavily guarded room deep in the bowels of the White House, newly elected President for Life Barack Obama lays out the future to Co-Vice Presidents for Life Bill Clinton and Elizabeth Hurley.

“I love my golf,” Obama laughed,
“It’s such a simple game
No need for booty or for graft
Like others I could name.”
“Speaking of booty,” Clinton smiled
I hope that you don’t mind
My co vice prez is kinda wild
Ah see our stars aligned
So if you could, bro, make it short
We share  your point of view
So you can hold down this here fort
While we say toodle-oo.”
Obama said, “I feel your pain
The future it looks bright
And so until we meet again
Let’s all just say goodnight.
We’ll meet again in this sealed room
And count the circled suns
Our blue state friends are wrapped in gloom
Them red states all have guns.”