Yearly Archives: 2012

Harakhty And The Pharaoh

President Mohamed Morsi, legally elected, has announced he has assumed all power in Egypt, pretty much as another legally elected head of state, Adolf Hitler, assumed all power in Germany. The difference between them is that Hitler only called himself Fuhrer, or Leader, and Morsi no doubt thinks of himself as Pharaoh. And of course, as Pharaoh, Morsi will have his favorite gods by his side. My favorite Egyptian god is Re-Harakhty, Horus of the Horizon, so called because, as a falcon, he is seen every dawn soaring high over the hills, pretty much as Morsi intends to soar high over Egypt, no doubt with Obama’s blessing. But we shall see. The Egyptian army might have something to say about that. But then, that’s what everyone said about the German army.


Some gods were born, while others died

Like Jupiter and Seth

But Horus lives though many tried

To bring Harakhty’s death

But he in Morsi liveth still

At dawn he may be seen

Come soaring over nearby hill

His wings and flags bright green

A Pharaoh’s bird the falcon soars

Delighted to be free

As Morsi trods Egyptian shores

The lord of land and sea


Cease Fire – The View From Israel

The cease fire between Israel and the Muslim terrorist organization Hamas is a sham and everyone knows it. Hillary flew in, interrupting her wine tasting tour of Australia, and handed President Morsi of Egypt a bucket of money to call off his dogs and everyone smiled for the camera. Another triumph for the most incompetent, venal administration this country has ever seen. Israel knows the cease fire is just hudna, the Muslim tactic of calling for a truce so they can re-arm and reorganize. The rockets will fly again, and soon, and the whole thing starts again. But Israel knows the main enemy is Iran, and if Obama succeeds in helping Iran get the bomb, then Israel is faced with the choice of another six million dead Jews, or destroying the Middle East in a thermonuclear holocaust. Here is the cease fire as viewed by Israel.


Of Morsi’s ploy we’re well aware

Hamas will not sit in a chair

Cease fires last a day or two at most

And then the rockets fly again

And when that happens we will then

See to it that Hamas is turned to toast

The world we know and understand

Insists we give the Arabs land

And after that the peace will surely reign

But we know better and it’s clear

The world at large has much to fear

For when we’ve had enough we’ll inflict pain

Not just Hamas but Riyadh too

And Teheran to name a few

And when it comes there’s no one gets a pass

Iran prepares to kill us all

But when we choose to make the call

We’ll shove their false cease fires up their ass


Cease Fire – The View From Egypt

In another brilliant example of smart diplomacy, the Obama administration has secured cease fire number 346 between Israel and its peaceful Arab neighbors, this time Hamas in Gaza, by the simple expedient of giving the Egyptians several overflowing buckets of money we don’t have, and by a wink and a nod permission for President Morsi to announce, the very next day, that he is now the Supreme Ruler of Egypt, subject to no laws and no restraints. Will Hamas abide by the cease fire? Of course they will. Barack and Hillary guarantee it. We shall see how this turns out. In the meantime, this appears to be the view from Egypt of the latest cease fire.


We thank you for the IMF

Unfortunate Hamas is deaf

But we will do our best to keep the peace

A billion here a billion there

We tell Hamas sit in a chair

Until we say that the cease fire cease

Our rockets now hit Tel Aviv

And soon all of Israeli grieve

For now we have cease fire put in place

But soon as all money’s collect

Is then a date we will select

And kill all Jews with Allah’s fulsome grace

And then all Arabs will rejoice

And dance and sing with happy voice

The Jew is dead and Allah weeps for joy

The day will come and coming soon

Perhaps today, another moon

The Jew will die each woman man and boy


An Ode To Tastykake

The Bakers union would not accept the reasonable offer of the failing Hostess Baking Company, maker of Twinkies and Wonderbread, and so refused to return to work, thereby forcing Hostess to close its doors, putting 18,500 union workers out of work. And to make matters even more surreal, the union leaders claimed victory. Not that I have a Devil Dog in that fight, because I have never eaten a Twinkie in my life. I was fortunate to be born in an area served by the best snack cake baker in the world, Philadelphia’s Tasty Baking Company, the makers of Tastykakes and Tastypies.


To live a life and never try

A Tastykake or Tastypie

Is horrible to contemplate

And that is why I always ate

Cupcakes, Juniors, Krimpets too

From time of birth until I grew

Old enough to try the pies

And here is where I put you wise

Tastykakes, unlike the rest

Stand all alone, they are the best


Thanksgiving 2012



Some time ago, Fourth of July

I thought Thanksgiving Day

Was distant so I did not try

To get out of the way

Of speeding days and speeding nights

That raced by all unseen

Then Labor Day of all the sights

And then came Hallowe’en

The days and months leapt over all

As what the heck I said

We’re at the end of one more Fall

The trees asleep, not dead

Bare branches on deciduous trees

The leaves piled up in drifts

The conifers just stay and freeze

And women think of gifts

And head out for the Christmas shops

Except, oh by the way

When wives and moms pull out the stops

On this Thanksgiving Day


Happy Thanksgiving

Wolfie Wolfie

Paul Wolfowitz, a voice from the past, has said he believes the administration did all it could to protect the people in the Benghazi consulate. Yeah, right. Even now, two months later, we don’t know much more than we did the morning after the attack. Why was Wolfowitz blowing smoke? Certainly he is no longer a player in Washington politics. Why would the administration trot out a hardly remembered voice from the past? Did they honestly believe that the public would say, well if Wolfowitz says everything’s all right then it must be all right? Or maybe he really knows something, and that something is that the guys attacking the consulate worked for Hillary and the State Department, and they double-crossed us, to no one’s surprise, except possibly Hillary’s.


Wolfie Wolfie blowing smoke

Out his kiester, what a joke

White House doing all they can

Every woman, every man

Leaning forward, as they say

Hard at work in every way

Seeing that the good guys win

And good guys’ names begin with bin

And maybe I am paranoid

But whispered in my ear a boid

Who said the guys in turbans were

Our guys who called H. Clinton sir

And that is why no relief came

And that is why the silly game

Of telling us a film no less

About their god caused such distress

That killing us was justified

And so it’s not we haven’t tried

To rescue those in peril there

As Woflie says there was no prayer

Of doing anything that night

And so we all just sat real tight

‘Twas all so sad, Obama said

And that is why he went to bed


Harry Lime And The Cuckoo Clock

In the movie The Third Man, the character Harry Lime, who played the postwar game of double-cross to his advantage, said thirty years of war under the Borgias and Italy produced Michelangelo and the Renaissance while Switzerland had five hundred years of peace and produced the cuckoo clock. Two months have passed since the Benghazi consulate was attacked, and all we know for sure is that the head of the CIA was shtooping another man’s wife. But there’s more than one double-cross here. The double-cross is still in play in Libya, a part of the world where inventing even the cuckoo clock was beyond their capabilities. The government, whom we put in power by removing Ghaddafi, placed an ally of al Qaeda, one Abdel Hakim Belhaj, in charge of Security. Belhaj was thus in charge of the Libyan militia that ran away at the first sign of trouble when the Benghazi consulate was attacked, no doubt under orders not to interfere with the operation. Little wonder the guys who attacked the consulate knew exactly where everyone and everything was, and knew the Ambassador would be in Benghazi that night and not in Tripoli.


Harry Lime and cuckoo clocks

We start to see a theme

We give Ahmed the key to locks

Allowing him to dream

Of killing Infidels en masse

By claiming to be friend

And so we gave the man a pass

And now we see the end

Of fuzzy thinking on our part

Incompetence to boot

We’ve raised ineptness to an art

They died, who gives a hoot

What’s more important than brave lives

Is that Obama’s seen

As not in charge of giving knives

To those of grim faced mien

Who unlike Harry Lime of old

Who rose to post war fame

The Ahmed’s of our time are cold

And killing is their game






Queen Bee

Valerie Jarrett is the queen bee of the White House, the Machiavelli to Prince Barack, an evil presence lurking in the dark corners, an unelected Czarina who runs the White House and the country in the interest of the radical left and Obama’s equally radical leftist whim. It is widely believed that Valerie Jarrett is the keeper of the list of those slated to die suddenly by a Hellfire missle from an unseen drone.


Now every hive has its queen bee

And this queen’s name is Valerie

And like the queen she has her drones

Who bend to her imperious tones

Her drones are there to give assist

With pruning down the killing list

It matters not where they may hide

The drones will find them and decide

That since it is the queen bee’s wish

The name on file will join the fish

The White House runs at her command

Her merest wish a queen’s demand

She has the stones some others lack

A will of iron unlike Barack


The Center For American Progress Meets The IDF

Hamas rains death upon Israeli civilians, Israel responds and the Arabs are outraged at the Israel response, with Egypt threatening all sorts of retaliation. In the meantime, the Center for American Progress, a radical lefty think tank, demands that the US send wheat to a starving Egypt now run by the Muslim Brotherhood, a terrorist organization. I spoke to a member of the Center for American Progress the other day, and he explained why it is important that we feed hungry Muslim terrorist freedom fighters.


He admitted it’s not all our fault

And said something’s wrong with the gestalt

It’s the Right do you see

And the House GOP

All now wanting to follow John Galt


There are desperate people in lands

Where the Right simply washes its hands

Just because there are guys

Who would cut out our eyes

And who join up with al Qaeda bands


Then of course we must never forget

That enemies are friends not yet met

So let’s get on the side

Of the swift moving tide

It’s the winners on whom we must bet


But for now their economy stinks

Which is why if the USA blinks

And Israelis prevail

They will put all in jail

And no doubt they will blow up the Sphinx


For the world’s sake Israeli must go

They’re the cause of all trouble and so

We must give Egypt wheat

Till they’re back on their feet

Thus allowing their hatred to grow


I then asked him if murdering Jews

Had of late somewhat challenged his views

That he seemed to hold dear

And he said let’s be clear

It’s Israelis who kill that’s not news


As he walked away humming a tune

It was clear that the reckoning’s soon

For it’s thinking like this

Driving toward the abyss

Armageddon is climbing the dune


Red Rice

It is reliably reported that Obama will appoint the current Ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, to be Secretary of State, replacing Hillary Clinton. With Obama re-elected, he now can turn to fulfilling his sainted mother’s oft spoken wish, whispered in baby Barry’s tender ear, that the United States in its present form be destroyed and transformed into something wonderful, a land of compassion and fairness, where all may live in peace and harmony, unfettered by partisan rife. The appointment of the fiercely Red Susan Rice is the first step in that transformation, and we shall soon see three hard left Justices of the Supreme Court, and the picture of Mao again proudly displayed on the White House Christmas tree.


There’s brown rice and white rice

And now we have Red Rice

To man the worn tiller at State

Her main predilection

Will be the direction

And left is her outstanding trait

Expect that Obama

Will listen to mama

And work for the country’s demise

With Rice now in charge

The ship sails by and large

With fair winds for the Lefty prize

The White House now Red

In time ‘twill be said

That freedom is now in the past

His hand on the knife

The President for Life

Just laughs and says things never last