The Epic Journey Of Hillary Clinton

Bill and Hillary Clinton are two commoners who believe themselves royalty, and thus beyond the law and beyond all consequences. Like all pretenders, it does not have a happy ending.

In Arkansas where he was king, and Hillary his queen
They ruled with arrogance and unquenched greed
The law was for the little folks, and opening the scene
Whitewater showed how both the Clintons feed
On honest people who believe the law is true and fair
And cattle futures bets will always win
With payoffs made at dead of night with not a witness there
With Clintons honesty’s the only sin
Our secular society has but one holy site
The Oval Office ringing with great names
And greater men who worked for us through both the day and night
And Billy’s semen now one of the shames
A Senate seat for Hillary that’s paid for with the lives
Of innocents at lunch in park-side grille
Whose killers then got pardoned so that they, their kids and wives
Would lead to Puerto Rican votes for Hill
As Sec of State our Hillary set secrets to be hacked
By enemies who gladly paid the price
Of tens of millions to the Clintons where the cash was stacked
In piles while AG Lynch said ain’t that nice
The Democrats rewarded treason with their highest prize
The nomination to be Chief of State
The vote was rigged but the black veil was ripped from the disguise
By emails that produced a Wikigate
And when the Congress sent subpoenas asking for emails
The Clintons then destroyed them with a smile
And claimed that no one here on Earth would see the fine details
Of wedding plans and yoga lessons while
The White House and the AG Lynch forbade the Feds to look
Into obstructing justice, then a crime
For had the FBI looked into matters then the crook
We know as Hillary would do some time
The Clintons left the White House in 01 and said they’re broke
So broke they stole some furniture en route
While quite forgetting millions for the pardons Bill bespoke
And stealing White House furniture was cute
The FBI asked Hillary some questions and she lied
Another crime that would put you in jail
In fairness there were some who knew all this and fairly tried
To see the law obeyed but always fail
And so the polls show people are okay with sending crooks
And traitors to the White House, c’est la vie
Where Hillary can use BleachBit to sanitize the books
And smile and say there’s nothing here to see
But Trump has won and now a new AG is nemesis
That follows at a distance and then strikes
And now that she will not be safe within the premises
She may find that the law does what it likes
She thought she would be safe within the White House sacred halls
But now we’ll see that justice, law, prevail
And when the wheels grind fine enough the stone gray prison walls
Will see our Hillary at last in jail

As In A Mist

In the weeks and days before the election I wrote, in these pages, that Donald Trump would win the election. But I also believed, and wrote, that the Trumpian epoch would be but a temporary interruption in the inevitable triumph of demographics and the re-gaining of power by the progressives, and the continuation of the inevitable decline of the United States into a two tiered nation, half third world and half first world, with the inhabitants of the first world half de facto second class citizens, all leading, again inevitably, to secession and possible civil war. I have changed my mind about the dystopian future of the country, and now believe, due to the nature of the Trump win, and the predictable nature of a Trump administration, that the grievance and identity politics of the Democrats has led to the destruction for generations of the Democratic Party. White voters have taken their country back, and are not in any mood to return it to those who had no hand in building it.

The future is a misty land of bright uplands and roses
And as we travel through the mist the future then discloses
Reality and truth for all to see and know and follow
And in the misty beauty touch the golden bright-winged swallow
The misty future holds for us a promise of tomorrow
Where dreams are ours forever and the stars are ours to borrow
Just for the night or for forever, dreams are for the reaching
And lessons of the blighted past are all there for the teaching
The misty land now reaches out and bids us come and find it
For it is ours to keep so long as good strong men will mind it

The Horror We Have Avoided

Outwardly, after a Clinton victory all will seem normal – football games will continue to be played, people will get up and go to work, movie theaters will remain open and all will seem to be business as usual. But beneath the surface half the country will be consumed by sullen, stubborn anger and President Clinton will attempt to suppress dissidents through the FCC and IRS. A Clinton victory will be unrecognized by half the country, and will set off a fight for legitimacy between the FBI and a thoroughly politicized Justice Department. There will be continuous Congressional investigations of the Clinton Foundation and other Clinton crimes, resulting in a deadlocked government ruled by diktat, with every motion and every spoken and written word directed to the 2018 mid-term elections. The borders will remain open and the immigrant flood with finally give the Democrats what they have striven for for decades, a permanent governing majority, albeit over a country in steady decline to third world status as the descendants of the original builders of the country become a second class minority in their own country. It will be after this, and only after this, that the revolution begun and defeated in 2016 turns violent, and will be put down with utter savagery.

The mid-terms turn the GOP
Into the Outs with tainted votes
As immigrants cross every sea
In flag bedecked and painted boats
To come ashore and claim their place
As new men in the promised land
To rule the natives but with grace
And smiling lend a helping hand
Meanwhile some watch the darkness fall
To torture land that once was theirs
And realize they can’t recall
A time there weren’t vacant stares
As people went about afraid
To say a word that might offend
Full knowing injury unstayed
Will be delivered till knees bend
For generations terror reigns
Till in the end all troubles end
And peace the land at last regains
Big Brother now your best best friend


The victory of Donald Trump will not be gracefully accepted by the Left, who do not give up power peacefully. There is no shaking hands after the fight with the Left, there is only bloodshed. And we will see it in volumes never before recorded, as police are targeted by the black radical Left, and the threat of assassination of the president-elect and all who voted for him will be ever present.

The morning after, be prepared
Winners will be skittish, scared
Knowing that the Left will not take kind
To losing power to the rube
Deplorables who watch the tube
And who drink beer instead of being wined
They’ll not accept the great unwashed
They mean to see that each one’s quashed
Till anarchy and bloodshed both prevail
And power will stay in their grasp
And force the country kiss the asp
And die while smiling Lefties smooth the veil

The Coup Has Already Happened

Today is Election Day, but the coup has already happened. Everything has antecedents, and the coup to transform the United States from a representative Constitutional republic to a warmer version of the Soviet Union began in 1968 when George McGovern, a Democrat United States senator, and former campaign manager for the communist Henry Wallace in the 1948 presidential campaign, took advantage of the chaos of the 1968 Democratic convention and the overwhelming rejection of the Vietnam War to wrest control of the Democratic Party machinery, enabling him to completely change the Democratic Party into a political reflection of himself and his leftist mentor, George Wallace. McGovern was resoundingly defeated by Richard Nixon in 1972, but it didn’t matter. Watergate saw the election in 1974 of a new Congressional class of radical leftist Democrats, where their radical leftist successors remain to this day. The election of Obama in 2008 was not the beginning of the coup, it was the completion of it. The election of Donald Trump in 2016, unlikely to begin with given the numbers of brainwashed voters indoctrinated by the leftist dominated educational system, the number of deliberately impoverished voters entirely dependent on Democrat control of the government for their very existence, and the complicity of the leftist dominated media, looks now to be a forlorn dream, and would only be a brief interruption even if he won. The coup has already happened, and the United States is now a fascist country, with the Justice Department and the IRS wholly owned by the Democrat Party. All of the federal agencies are now the punitive arm of the Democrat Party, punishing those who dare to disagree, like the religious order of the Little Sisters of the Poor, or those who displease, like Gibson Guitar Company. The entirety of the federal government now does the will of the Democrat Party, and is answerable only to the Democrat Party. It’s a shame, really. Nice country we used to have.

From 1787 to 1968
The country weathered every fearsome wind
The yeomanry of stubborn stock in each and every State
Knew very well on what their hopes were pinned
The Constitution, freedom of religion, rule of law
Were cornerstones of what the nation meant
And of the people, by the people wasn’t an old saw
And when attacked we soldiered up and went
But it is gone not to return until the next revolt
The fascists won and they have counted coup
But they’ll be gone before too long with thanks to Mr. Colt
With thanks as well to the Amendment Two

The Land Of Ancient Lore

The 2016 presidential election is not an anomaly, it is part and parcel of the madness now afflicting the country. Not the corruption or the vilification of the enemy, those are normal to politics. The madness is the raging hatred of the left half of the country for their countrymen and their country. A civilization rises and falls on a longer time scale than the tide, but is otherwise tidal in nature. The rising tide of a civilization creeps slowly upon the shore, gaining momentum as it ages, to crest at its high water mark, where it lingers for a time before beginning the slow descent to the sea, always leaving behind faint traces of its former presence. It is not a coincidence that the tides of the sea are governed by the moon, for the tides of man are also governed by the moon, in the form of civilizational madness. The United States, and much of the West, is now at slack water, at the beginning of the civilizational madness that engulfs it, and which will lead inevitably to its destruction and disappearance. I am reminded of Shackleton’s crew, trapped in the ice, loading the ships’ boats with desks and chairs and curtains and dragging them across the ice until they died, afflicted with the madness of lead poisoning. That is where we are. The country is afflicted with the madness of open orders and massive illegal immigration by third world people, by feminism, social justice and campus radicalism that drowns out the real crises converging on us all unawares and all uncomprehending, so absorbed are we with the rights of people to determine their gender by what they feel rather than by biology, by the rights of perverts to shower with little girls, by the criminalization of personal choice that conflicts with the madness, the deliberate and incessant feminization of the culture and the people, and the pervasive charges of racism hurled at all who dare to question. On our university campuses black students demand to be segregated into safe spaces apart from those fiercely racist whites, where the Ten Commandments and the Pledge of Allegiance are hate speech and where flying the American flag is hateful aggression. Once the madness comes, once the slide into madness and anarchy begins, it cannot be stopped, until the tidal cycle is complete and we are again as one with the black-dark sea.

So silent and unmoving the dark sea will welcome home
The voyager who leapt the shingled shore
And rose to heights unseen on Earth since days of ancient Rome
And shone a light to burn forevermore
Who traveled to the planets and bestrode the sands of Mars
And builded they great cities of pure gold
Then reached with eager hands to grasp the fiery distant stars
That now, in madness, seem so dark and cold
Forgotten now the monoliths of steel, bright mirror clad
That shadowed city streets and scraped the sky
Forgotten now their builders by the populace gone mad
Forgotten now the wonder and the why
As in retreat the tide recedes and carries all before
Yet traces of what used to be remain
As books and photographs of what once was litter the shore
To fade and crumble in the wintry rain
The black-dark sea now welcomes us into her cold embrace
To join in madness those who’ve gone before
And climbed the shingled beach to reach the heights of honored place
To pass into the land of ancient lore

Breaching The Dikes

Huma has apparently inadvertently copied all of Hillary’s emails onto Anthony Weiner’s laptop, a position normally occupied by fifteen years old girls. We do not yet know if this massive 600,000 or so emails contains the 30,000 emails deleted by Clinton by BleachBit, but the FBI surely knows. As the political dikes protecting and enabling Hillary Clinton crumble under the flood waters of wiki leaks, and the FBI announces it is conducting a serious investigation into the criminal enterprise known as the Clinton Foundation with an indictment likely, the probability that Hillary and Huma will be fitted for matching orange pantsuits by a jury is now upon us. So we pass from breaching the dikes to breeching the dykes.

Nothing rhymes with orange so they say
And pantsuits of that color make the day
Seem lonely and forlorn behind steel bars
Where no one but the jailors see the stars
But what of Bill you ask and well you might
He was a part of it, though out of sight
He profited from Hillary’s big play
To sell top secrets in a brand new way
Just put them on a server to be hacked
And watch the cash roll in to be high stacked
From China and Iran to name a few
And never to be caught though many knew
Barack for one who sent her mail as well
And AG Lynch who swore she’d never tell
They had her back and all was peachy keen
Until courageous agents got real mean
And said they would not bow and break their oath
So now bright orange pantsuits for them both


The Democratic Party has its homeys, Barack Obama has his homeys and Hillary has her homeys. The Obama administration has done what every leftist administration or regime in the history of the planet has done, they have politicized the bureaucracy, and all Federal agencies are now part of and subservient to the Democratic Party, including the once independent Justice Department. And most do not even notice that they are now living in a leftist tyranny. But eight more years of it and we will notice that the law is not impartial and the country has become a one party state, like Mexico. And then it will be too late to do anything about it without guns and blood.

The Agencies belong to them
They all are homeys now
The IRS, that little gem
Now orders us to bow
And Justice seems to be still blind
But that’s because the book
Says law does not apply in kind
And she’s now ashamed to look

Time Is Short

There was a time when the pace of life was not as frantic as now, but I’m sure it seemed just as frantic to them as today seems to us. I feel fairly certain that when the Admiralty received word that the French fleet had come out the First Lord did not refill his glass and say, “No hurry, chaps, wherever they are going it will take them a month to get there, even with a fair wind.” No, urgency is relative, and today reaction time is counted in fractions of a second. Fortunately, we have more than a few seconds to save our country, but time is growing short and the road is long and treacherous.

This is the final year in which we still can make some choices
Between the country that we love and where we still have a voices
To leftist tyranny and rule by self-elected rulers
And those in thrall to those in charge like Clintons and the Schulers
Who rule forever like the left in socialist nirvanas
And our great cities then are like so many dark Havanas
Where law is just a word that once meant we were honest free men
Not like the leftists who corrupted even honest G-men
The time is short so make your choice, you want to change the system
Then kick the bastards out of town, they’ll fold if we resist ‘em

Today Putin, Yesterday The World

In 1936 Hitler, against the advice of his generals, reoccupied the Rhineland, throwing a handful of infantry across the Ludendorff Bridge. Consider the two paragraphs below:

‘But “the bigger question confronting American intelligence officials, though, is whether the Russian president has a grander scheme at work. So far, their conclusion is probably not’

Now read that with a few changes.

But “the bigger question confronting British and French intelligence officials, though, is whether the German Chancellor has a grander scheme at work. So far, their conclusion is probably not.

The failure to stop Hitler when he could have been stopped was pusillanimous and villainously incompetent. Are we looking at historical analogies here? Or does Putin, living in the age of nuclear weapons, realize there is a line he may not cross, and so works up to the line, knowing the timorous character of Barack Obama, but never crosses it. The danger is miscalculation.

There is a line he must not cross
But Putin knows just who is boss
He has the measure of his foe
A timid man both weak and slow
A man whose mirror shows no truth
He sees himself as Gehrig, Ruth
A monster striding to the plate
A Metternich-like Chief of State
A brightly shining novae star
A brilliant leader without par
But Putin smiles, there are no cares
For such as he, who wrestles bears
Step lightly though, oh Tsarist boss
There may be lines thee must not cross