History Lesson

In the beginning years of the late American Republic, German immigrants settled in the mountains of western North Carolina, and named their settlement Wachovia, and their capitol city Charlotte, after an obscure German princess. The Wachensians, as they called themselves, set about building a prosperous and peaceful life in the new world. Over time the demographics changed and Wachovia was no longer majority German. Shortly before the great race wars of the twenty-first century the American people elected as president an African American man, who by his words and actions, stoked the latent fires of racial conflict dormant for many generations. Following the lead of the black president, racist black organizations began calling for and bringing about the deaths of police officers, leading to the open race war that began with the siege of Charlotte, after a policeman shot an African American man who had drawn a gun on him. The largely African American city of Charlotte erupted in violence. Police and National Guardsmen were killed, as were many armed rioters, arsonists and looters. The violence spread to the major cities of Baltimore, Philadelphia and St. Louis. Cities burned and whites were dragged from their cars and murdered. The riots were contained, though not until after there were many thousands killed and wounded. Low grade warfare continued, and a nervous and fearful white majority elected a strong man in the national election of 2020. Iron fist force finally brought the race wars under control, and a year later the president declared himself President for Life.

And so it ended, as all things must
The constitution ground to dust
The rule of law a notion scorned
No memory, the past unmourned
The strong in charge, the weak on knees
With bird pecked bodies hung from trees
But all was calm, the race war gone
The country that had at the dawn
Been free and lighted up the sky
Had been attacked and left to die

J. Edgar Hoover

For almost a hundred years the FBI has enjoyed an unalloyed reputation for honesty, integrity and a clean separation from politics. The Obama administration and the Obama Justice Department has destroyed that reputation in a few short years, beginning with Attorney General Eric Holder refusing to prosecute Black Panther thugs who threatened white voters with baseball bats and forced them to leave the polling place without voting, to Attorney General Loretta Lynch and FBI Director Jim Comey who refused to indict Hillary Clinton for massive national security violations, lying to federal agents, obstruction of justice and other offenses despite overwhelming evidence of her guilt, evidence the FBI Director himself laid out in detail before stunningly announcing he would not recommend an indictment. Had J. Edgar Hoover been in charge Hillary Clinton would have been wearing an orange jump suit that very day. But the Justice Department is so corrupt that they don’t even care about the optics of the event, they care only that they do what is best for the Democratic Party and for the leaders of the Democratic Party. The FBI will be a long time regaining the trust of the American people.

We scratch our heads, J. Edgar who?
Oh yes, J. Edgar Hoover
When G-Men shot the bad guys down
They stayed dead, not one mover
The FBI was without peer
The politicians quavered
Before the law and came to fear
The man who never wavered
From his devotion to the law
Despite the rank of others
Who thought all inside straights they’d draw
Because they all were brothers
The FBI is tarnished now
Obama has corrupted
All that he’s touched now dark and foul
The Bureau interrupted
Their work now nothing but a part
Of politics and movers
Obama has torn out its heart
No more J. Edgar Hoovers

Exit Music

Everyone picks out the music he wants at his funeral, but my exit this world playlist is so full of terrific songs that when they play it I’ll probably get carried away. The problem with putting your exit music together beforehand is that you just might live another thirty years or so, and nobody at the funeral knows any of the songs. I spoke to an acquaintance recently and he said he tried to keep his playlist up to date, but thought most people would remember Lothar And The Hand People even thirty years later.

My iPod’s full of stuff, he said
Musicians from the past
I know that most of them are dead
And know their stuff will last
My doctors say I’m good to go
Another thirty years
But all my ducks are in a row
To satisfy my fears
That something might go very wrong
And all will silent be
I will not go without a song
That’s why It is, you see
That my best suit is cleaned and pressed
Instructions typed and filed
I know just how I will be dressed
My playlist all compiled
My friends and family sit bored
As music’s softly played
But just the same I ask the Lord
His justice be delayed

Pissing On The Flag

Several members of the Philadelphia Eagles football team, following the lead of Colin Kaepernick, pissed on the flag during the playing of the National Anthem on Monday Night Football. I suppose we shouldn’t be too harsh on them, they are not especially well versed in the reality of political life and don’t know that the entire schtick of pissing on the flag was instigated by Black Lives Matter, a George Soros imprint, in their effort to divide the United States into two warring factions, one black and one white, the better to hasten the dissolution of the hated enemy. They do not realize that by pissing on the flag they are pissing on their teammates, who have no desire to infuriate the white people who buy the tickets to the games and religiously watch all the televised games. What will happen to the NFL when a significant percentage of white people, pissed off by all the pissing on the flag, stop going to the games and  stop watching the games on TV? The answer is, Eagles fans will still go to

Eagles games and Bears fans will still go to Bears games, but they will not watch TV games unless their team is in it. And that means the NFL is back to the 1940s and 1950s, a regional game, with regional payrolls and income. No longer will NFL players make millions of dollars a year to play a game. Despite knowing all this, NFL Comissioner Roger Goodell today praised the protesters. What I do not understand is why coaches and management don’t explain to the players who piss on the flag that they are pissing on themselves and their teammates.

Pissing on the flag is now de riguer
And guys who do it think that it will get
Some social justice with the proper vigor
And find it just blows back and gets you wet
You fall in with the Black Lives Matter haters
And think it’s noble to protest the flag
But soon you’re working nights as full-time waiters
Because it’s not the dog that’s gonna wag

Absolutely Deplorable

Hillary Clinton has just, perhaps inadvertently, spilled the beans. Her kind of people view my kind of people as degenerate, racist, homophobic right-wing terrorists, intent on smearing honest leftists, who only want what is best for all of us, with lies and worse. I may be a degenerate, probably have been since subscribing to Playboy sixty years ago, but I reject the charge that I am a racist, a homophobe or a right-wing terrorist. I do admit I am intent on removing the left from positons of power so that honest people can live in peace again without being subjected to the likes of Hillary Clinton.

Deplorable is what she said
A word that makes me shake my head
Disgraceful might have been the word
She meant but that’s not what we heard
A hoity-toity word was used
Her arrogance made her confused
Deplorable though, on its face
Suggests that we are a disgrace
To all who think the left is right
So shameful best kept out of sight
Degraded and debased are we
Beneath her, she can plainly see
Unworthy, horrid guttersnipes
An orange suit with prison stripes
Are what we need, what we deserve
And yet, when graded on a curve
We’re not as bad as those who shake
The plum tree till the guilders break
Or leave brave men out on a roof
To die and that is just the troof
As children say and cross their hearts
Yes I’ll be glad when she departs
Stage left to glory in her wealth
Enjoying everlasting health

Black And White

The racial healing brought to us by the Obama administration has resulted in militant black organizations like Black Lives Matter and the Black Panthers itching for a fight. The black folks ginning up a race war may well be in for a surprise. Nobody starts a war they expect to lose, and this one is no exception. I have seen no attempt by any responsible black person to at least try to head off the coming catastrophe if the black militants get their wish. If it comes to blood, a race war will not be brought to you in living color, it will be brought to you in deadly black and white.

The Panthers and the BLM
Want fried cops wrapped in bacon
They think that force belongs to them
But they are much mistaken
They see the Blue State city folk
As soft, unarmed and frightened
They think the white man is a joke
Who’ll cry as sphincters tightened
But in the outback far and near
In mountains, fields and meadows
There lives a breed who do not fear
The gunmen of the ghettos
For they are men who will bleed too
And hold their thoughts in silence
But straws and camels’ backs lead to
Provoked and deadly violence

Heroes Will Always Be With Us

Articles appear from time to time bemoaning or approving the notion that we are in a post-heroic age. The bemoaners bemoan the passing of heroism and love of country, and the approvers are pleased that man has finally abandoned the outdated and ill-worn concept of honor and sacrifice. I’m not convinced the age of heroism is gone. We all remember that in the 1930s the students at Oxford University, disillusioned by the senseless slaughter of the Great War of 1914-1918, issued the Oxford Union manifesto that declared that the undersigned would not fight for King and Country in any future war. Yet when war did come, just a few years later, they fought for King and country just like everybody else. We forget that on the afternoon of December 6, 1941, the people of the United States were overwhelmingly opposed to entering the war then raging in Europe and Asia, and how, two days later, on Monday morning, following the attack on Pearl Harbor, the lines at the recruiting stations in every city in the country wound around the block. It would appear that a series of wars deliberately designed not to be won but to be managed has left a sour taste in the mouths of our young people, accounting for the non-heroic attitude of many, but let there be a shooting war against an equal opponent who has attacked us and you will see enough heroism, sacrifice and love of country to last a lifetime.

True heroism’s not a sometime thing
That only some are born to but not others
Heroic deeds to make the heavens ring
Brave heroes who were born to noble mothers
A hero is a man who goes to work
Each morning be it rain or snow or illness
A child who fears the dark where dangers lurk
Yet lays there silent in the darkened stillness
The mother with a baby who is sick
Who stays all night at bedside softly praying
True heroes all who do not get to pick
The roles in life they were consigned to playing
Policemen who take life in hand each day
And those who fight the all-consuming fires
Get up and go to work knowing that they
Face danger from the threat that ever tires
The medals go to those who, placed by fate
To be the one to die to save his buddy
And by his actions on that bloody date
Will live in glory time can never muddy
It isn’t for the medals man transcends
He does not fight for medals or for glory
He fights for country, family and friends
And should he live to tell his medaled story
‘Twould sound prosaic, stilted, at its best
An inner voice that said there’s pain for bearing
And so they laid him to eternal rest
For what he was, not for the medals wearing

Coughing It Up

Hillary collapsed with pneumonia over the weekend, and her campaign is in crisis. The Dems are preparing for the worst, and are readying a replacement for her on the ballot. But even should she recover and return to the campaign, now they have the perfect excuse to take her off the ballot if she falls so far behind in the polls that defeat is inevitable. Will the Dems take her out by claiming ill health and install someone else, perhaps Joe Biden or Barack Obama? With Hillary out as queen, we have a clue. What rhymes with Regina? Vagina.

We won’t know much for some few weeks
At first debate we’ll see who peaks
For now the Hill is sliding down
The polls and by then may well drown
If Trump pulls out in front to stay
The Dems will cry alack, alay
And say she’s sick and needs some rest
And so we think it’s for the best
To take from her this heavy cup
Before the lady coughs it up
To relieve her of the campaign stress
And even she must now confess
Her health will not permit her to
Continue, so here’s what we’ll do
We have decided to replace
Her on the ballot and the base
Has indicated they prefer
Someone who looks and thinks like her
We offer now a man serene
Barack Obama for your queen

A Simple Word Like ‘He’

Princeton University has just banned the use of the word ‘man’. Our schools and colleges are now, and have been for some time, re-education camps where the minds of students are reprogrammed to accept as truth the feminist, anti-white and anti-American propaganda they are constantly fed. The American left has succeeded in capturing the public school and university systems in the United States. By the time of graduation from college, everyone exposed to the public education system has undergone a mind-transfer. The student is told by the leftist teachers and professors that everything he thinks he knows about the United States is wrong, that the United States is evil beyond redemption, and must be destroyed, beginning with the white race that is responsible for the victimization of all people of color. College students know nothing of American or Western history beyond the leftist propaganda they have been relentlessly exposed to. Even if Donald Trump wins the 2016 election, the American Constitutional Republic is lost for generations, possibly forever. The Left has succeeded in convincing entire generations of school children and college students that they are victims of white oppression, and that conviction is not going to change any time soon.

A simple word like ‘he’
At one time used to be
In context an all-purpose gender word
It could mean ‘he’ or ‘she”
As everyone could see
But seeing it as hate speech is absurd
The feminists have won
Next no more ‘daughter’, ‘son’
And ‘fireman’ or ‘actress’ is no more
And seeing this success
You do not need to guess
That other groups will even up the score
Black students want safe space
But only for their race
And chant and muscle whites and then demand
That courses be relaxed
And failing grades be axed
And all white privilege forever banned
The language has been changed
The culture rearranged
Class hatred for the Other now the case
Know nothings now leave school
Content with leftist rule
And knowing nothing take their honored place
In academe and law
With hatred red and raw
For everything the country’s fought and bled
With children in their sway
And grandkids just like they
The old Republic now is truly dead

October Surprise

There are signs that the October surprise may come early this year, and this time the target will be the Democrat, Hillary Clinton. Whispers of additional hacked emails to come, whispers of FBI investigations into the criminal activities of the Clinton Foundation, all portend a very interesting post Labor Day political season. In addition, questions of Hillary’s health keep surfacing, even in the mainstream press that makes every effort to support and protect her. One must ask, why is the media running stories about her health if not preparing for the eventual dumping of Hillary if the new hacked emails are mortally damaging? What will the media do with the story of Hillary’s collapse and faint at the 9-11 memorial service? What if the new emails reveal the connection between Hillary and the selling of the State Department to the benefit of the Clinton Foundation? What if the result of that revelation is a Hillary collapse in the polls? Will the Democrats abandon a losing candidate and insert another? You will recall they did this in a New Jersey Senate race some years ago, against all the legal restrictions of the New Jersey election laws, and got away with it, rescuing a lost Senate seat. If Hillary plummets in the polls to the point of being perceived as a certain loser on November 8, I predict the Democrats will use her health as an excuse to parachute someone in to take her place on the ticket. Interesting times are coming.

October is the time of year when days are crisp and cool
And football takes the place of the now shuttered swimming pool
And thoughts of apple cider and a fire on cool nights
And thoughts that very soon you’ll need those strings of Christmas lights
But every fourth and even numbered year there come the cries
Declaring this October there will come a big surprise
A statement by a candidate made thirty years ago
Perhaps a DUI for driving drunk and much too slow
This year’s surprise will shock us all deep to the very core
And our belief in government be shattered evermore
But chances are the big surprise is fizzled for no gain
And on election day all’s well except for drizzled rain