A Man Called Murphy

We are all aware who Murphy is. He’s the guy who famously said that whatever can go wrong, will. And so we have living proof of that dictum in the Obama administration, and in particular in the person of Mr. Obama himself. The only question is, does Mr. Obama deliberately have things go wrong as part of his evil plan to destroy the United States as his mother and father desired, or is he just a klutz, an incompetent, one of the unluckly people for whom everything goes wrong. We don’t yet know the answer to that, but I have my suspicions.

I spoke to Murphy man to man, ‘twas just the other day
He said when something can go wrong it will
He said look back in hist’ry and you’ll see that what I say
Was right in ancient times and righter still
When Caesar crossed the Rubicon, when Henry married Anne
When Bonaparte left Moscow in the snow
Stuff going wrong is here to stay and here since time began
And will not stop til judgment trumpets blow
What makes you think Obama’s the exception to the rule
When things go wrong it’s not the poor man’s fault
He tries so hard to do things right and then’s kept after school
But wrong stuff happens and will never halt
I thanked him for his insight and we said our fond goodbyes
But doubts and worries deep inside me grew
Obama’s wrong so often that it can’t be a surprise
That Murphy seems to stick to him like glue

The Future And The Past

The Left, George Orwell and our own experience tells us, always rewrites the past when it assumes power, the better to control the present and the future. The Soviet Union was very good at rewriting the past, but so are our homegrown leftists. School children have been taught for decades that the United States stole the land from the Indians, that the United States deliberately enticed the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor so that we could rule the world, that Columbus was a criminal slaver and that the New World was a paradise until the White man arrived and killed and enslaved everybody. This leftwing indoctrination of our school children has been effective, and it won’t be long before everyone in the United States believes the United States is completely evil. But be of good cheer. Efforts to permanently change the past have always unraveled, and so will this effort. The future might be full of dread, but the past is here to stay.

The Past is gone, the story dead, is what the leftists claim
The future many leftwing dreams away
The future holds its own stark dread, the leftists dare not name
But be of cheer, the past is here to stay

The Zero Option

President Obama has announced all US forces will be withdrawn from Afghanistan by the end of 2014. This is called the Zero option. The Obama administration has also announced the United States armed forces will be reduced to a point lower than they stood in 1940. We might also call this the Zero option, because it is clear Obama desires the power of the United States to be reduced to zero. The Obama administration says domestic concerns take precedence over defense, thus the military must be cut in half so that more illegals can go on food stamps. The Japanese adopted the Zero option and the US adopted the F6F option and we all know how that turned out. Superior fire power, superior equipment, superior training, superior leadership and superior technology always wins. Obama has adopted the Zero option for the Armed Forces of the United States at large, not just for Afghanistan. Obama is deliberately weakening the United States because every single man and woman in his administration believes a strong United States is a danger to the peace of the world.

Do the helpless and weak need the neighborhood cop
Should the bad guys be given their way
Are we safer without someone strong to yell Stop
Should we hang it up, call it a day
Well that’s what we’re doing, the lefties have won
And have taken the cops off the beat
And marched us all off toward that dim setting sun
And smiled as they welcomed defeat

Green Achers

Everything that isn’t nailed down gets captured by the Left. The environmental movement began in a serious response to polluted rivers and smog filled air, and was quickly captured by the radicals who turned environmentalism into their own private Gestapo to force people to worship the religion of Gaia. We are not permitted to drill for oil or gas, loggers are killed by nails placed in trees by murderous environmentalists that cause chain saws to fly apart and kill the logger, farmers are denied water for their crops because a smelt was seen somewhere in the shallows, and so forth. Global warming is the latest and most audacious scam perpetrated by the radical Left, and almost succeeded in destroying the entire manufacturing and electrical generating industry of the United States by the deliciously evil scheme of carbon cap and trade that would have enriched such as Al Gore and returned the United States and Europe to a pre-industrial Luddite existence. The endangered species list includes everything but us, and we’re next.

We know that death and taxes is the only guarantee
That man will ever in this life collect
Bow down to Gaia, save the smelt or maybe hug a tree
There comes the time when one needs to reflect
Upon the forces Nature puts in play without a thought
Of consequences to the heedless few
Who claim returning to the life our ancestors had wrought
Would clarify our much benighted view
The Greens have bought the ears and hearts of leftists round the world
Who put in place the nonsense Greens ordain
And then recoil in horror when the thunderbolts are hurled
And all gets washed away in snow and rain

The Satellite Stars

Life is cyclical. We see the past but dimly, and the future not at all. Tyrants come and tyrants go; darkness falls and always lifts, though the dawn may not always be what we had expected or dreamed. Once great tyrannies now lie buried deep beneath the worm-turned soil of planet Earth, and future tyrannies now unseen will join them in their time. One day though we shall reach the stars, and we will then, finally, know God, for we shall be one with the universe.

How dim and distant flares the tiny light
So far and so untouchable it seems
And yet in life’s most dire and blackest night
It holds us to our purpose and our dreams
The stars are God’s own circling satellites
Parading ‘crosst the vast and darkling sky
And one day we shall reach up for those heights
And find the answer to the reason Why

Quick Henry, The Flit!

Obama is the mad scientist creating a monster, inventing laws and rules that apply only to him and his crazed desire to fundamentally change the best country that ever graced the planet. And he is succeeding, leading some to contemplate inventions of our own, designed to rid the country of his presence. But that invention has been around for many years. It is called a Flit gun, a harmless device for ridding the house of vermin.

Obama is the mother of invention
He’s thinned us down in line with his intention
The military’s hollowed to a fraction
Of prior size to lefties satisfaction
The debt has grown in size that’s exponential
And still Obama’s not reached his potential
For damage lasting many generations
And placing us with other losing nations
Some say when he is gone we’ll get well quickly
While others voice their doubts in terms quite prickly
Some say that he’ll be gone and thus forgotten
Except the smell he’ll leave of something rotten


President Obama has deliberately or by sheer incompetence placed the American army in a trap, sending them to a landlocked country from which they may well have to fight their way out. In December 2009 President Obama surged the US forces in Afghanistan to 100,000 men, effectively depending on Pakistan to allow supplies to travel overland through Pakistan to Afghanistan. That route was closed by the Taliban and an enemy Pakistani government, and Obama made a deal with Putin to supply our forces by a northern route through Russia, all part of the Reset policy Obama initiated to make a friend of Russia. Does anyone think Putin doesn’t remember the US supplying Stinger missiles to the Taliban to shoot down Russian helicopters and troop transports? He remembers, and he will act accordingly. Putin has the fate of every American and Nato soldier in Afghanistan in his grubby little hands, and he will extract a price.

The Northern Route is closed, he said, as Putin broadly smiles
We’re sorry now that you must make your push
Through Pakistan with all your men, a march of many miles
Through mountains and a Taliban ambush
Oh yes we’ve sold them weapons too, not Stingers but you know
What goes around must come around one day
Just little stuff to blow your trucks and armor up in smoke
Consider this a reset by the way

The Rhineland And The Crimea

What is the difference between an infantry column marching across a bridge into the Rhineland in 1936 and attack helicopters flying Spetsnaz troops into the Crimea in 2014? Answer, 78 years. The West did nothing then and the West will do nothing now. History shows the West should have done something about Hitler, but history is unclear about doing something about Putin. Did not Hitler say he invaded Czechoslovakia to protect ethnic Germans? Does not Putin say he is invading the Crimea to protect ethnic Russians? Never mind that the ethnic Russians are in Ukraine because Stalin first killed the ethnic Tatars living there and settled Russians in their place. But the principal difference between the Rhineland and the Crimea is that the West was stronger militarily than Hitler in 1936 and Putin’s Soviet Russia is stronger than the West militarily in 2014, where the only response from the West is thermonuclear war, thanks to the complete demilitarization of conventional forces by the European Left and the degradation of American conventional forces by Obama. Kiev was once a Viking city. We will see Soviet tanks in Kiev before long, and unfortunately Sigurd Magnussen, Rex Norvegiae atque Sveciae, has been dead a very long time.

They crossed the bridge all singing as the band played Deutschland Hoch
Ein Reich, Ein Volk, ein Fuhrer, and the West laughed at the joke

But Putin is much wiser, holds his cards close to his chest
He knows Obama’s bluffing, and fears nothing from the West

The Bear That Walks Like A Man

In the 1870s the Russia of the Tsars, ever needful of a warm water port, had eyes on Constantinople and the entrance to the Mediterranean.  London music halls rang with the song that gave us the term ‘jingoist’. The song went, “We don’t want to fight, but by jingo if we do, we’ve got the men, we’ve got the ships, we’ve got the money too, the Russians shall not have Constantinople”. Putin might not  have his eye on Constantinople just yet, but are we due for another Crimean War? Where is Lord Cardigan and the Light Brigade when we need them?

Obama sings a merry tune, his smile lights up the sun
As Red Line after Red line bites the dust
What will he do to put things right and make the Russians run
Besides a letter stating his disgust
What can he do if trouble starts and Putin makes his move
And peaceful resolutions start to fade
He’s cut defense down to the bone and now he must reprove
The Russians with just one lone Light Brigade

Mr. Chamberlain

Events in Ukraine are reaching a tipping point. Russian Special Forces have invaded the Crimea, and Obama has nothing energetic to say. Everyone who has read half a dozen books about the events of the 1930s will be struck by the similarities between Putin, Obama and Neville Chamberlain. The Washington Post calls Putin “Mr. Putin”, just as the papers of the day referred to the Chancellor as Mr. Hitler. And the similarity between Chamberlain and Obama is striking. Chamberlain waved a piece of paper, Obama waves his pen. And the slide to war continues.

The polished table, chairs aligned
Sat silent in the room
The doors swung open, aides arrived
Their faces strained with gloom
Then entered Mr. Chamberlain
He’d come to save the peace
To plead with Hitler and to ask
That he’d agree to cease
His actions that upset the world
By all the warlike scares
He’d work with Hitler, that good man
To settle world affairs
Of course we know what happened then
And history repeats
The self same thing is here again
The table and the seats
Are filled with those who cry for peace
While watching Kiev burn
And Putin smiles for well he knows
The fools will never learn