Please Don’t Take My Sunstein Away

Barack Obama has appointed old radical red lefty friend Cass Sunstein to the National Security Agency advisory panel to look into the NSA’s eavesdropping activities. Cass Sunstein is a dangerous man, a dyed in the wool Marxist, like the guy in the White House who just appointed him. Sunstein maintains that freedom cannot exist without government, that property rights are dependent on the whole of the community, to be managed by the government, and, most insidiously, that there is no freedom without dependency. When I was in the Boy Scouts several generations ago we sat around the campfire singing You Are My Sunshine.  Barack Obana was recently heard singing the following:

You are my Sunstein, my only Sunstein
They want to nix the NSA
You’re on the panel
And you’re the man’ll
Put the fix in the old Sunstein way
The other night dear as I lay sleeping
I dreamed surveillance now was gone
I woke up shaken
But was mistaken
Waiting for the Sunstein at dawn
We spy on Russians, Chinese and Prussians
We spy on every mom and pop
Just put the fix in
Blame Bush and Nixon
Make it look good but don’t let it stop
You are my Sunstein, my only Sunstein
We’ll keep our citizens at bay
We’ll take their guns and
We’ll be the ones and
They can’t take my Sunstein away


The Obama administration gave a non-bid 700 million dollar contract to create the Obamacare website to a software company that had failed repeatedly in the past to fulfill its contracts. Why would they do this? It will not surprise you to learn the company was run by a lot of Michelle’s old friends. The Obama administration knew the website would be extremely complex, but the Obama administration does not deal in complexity; it deals in the simple arithmetic of cronyism. So now Obamacare, designed to give health insurance to those who cannot read or understand the online forms they must fill out, will have Navigators to help them, and who will those Navigators be? Why they will be good Democrats who themselves most likely cannot read or understand the online Obamacare forms. But it doesn’t matter. Obamacare is not about health care, it’s about power.

The thing about complexity
It leads to mass perplexity
Among the very ones it aims to help
The non-diploma readers
And the other bottom feeders
Who come along when bottom mommas whelp
Bring in the Navigators
And other hold hand aiders
And see if any forms will get filled out
For the Navigators seem to
Be less than the top for cream to
Rise and get it done, an end I truly doubt

Aught Sixteen

I know it’s hard to believe, but the 2016 presidential campaign is upon us. It seems we no longer have any free time between elections. Will Hillary run? Do bears…well, you know. Who will the Republicans nominate? If they nominate another wimpy almost Democrat they will lose again, and the country will be lost to the radical left for generations to come, with the likely future breakup of the United States along blue state red state lines. If the GOP nominates a true conservative they will win, and the country will be safe for a while, but it will never be completely safe, for the left never sleeps, never gives up its dream of absolute Stalinist power.

In aught sixteen the Lefty fringe
Selects someone who’ll make you cringe
The GOP on other hand
Selects the ticket Cruz and Rand
Who wins? I’ll say it all depends
Who has the stash, for he who spends
Will win – go back to JFK
Whose daddy showed them all the way

Forever And A Day

Democrat scandals and incompetence and lies and frauds and the Constitution of the United States mean nothing to the plantation blacks and Hispanics the Democratic Party has accumulated over the past seventy years. A slave does not yearn for freedom; he yearns for the security of a steady supply of bread. The hardcore lefty progressive base is not enough to keep the magic circus going, but coupled with the plantation hands the Democrats have very nearly achieved a permanent majority, and 2016 will guarantee that permanent majority far into the foreseeable future. No radical Leftist has ever willingly left office. Barack Obama knows he has the radical base, and assures his low information voters that the supply of government cheese is unending, and soothes them with a cooling hand upon the brow, singing softly that things will get even better when he is President for Life.

When winter storms
Fling ice upon the window panes
I hold onto you
And dream of springtime rains
When autumn winds
Blow cold and increase all our pains
I whisper to you
There will be summer gains
When I still reign
Not bound by the two term mandate
I promise that you
Who now anticipate
Nirvana on Earth
Will reap the fortune owed to you
And that is why now
I sing this ode to you
Advance we shall
The stars align to light the way
And soon I’ll be king
Forever and a day

Duelling Press Conferences

President Obam and Secretary of State John Kerry joyfully announced a terrific deal with Iran, one that will stop them from getting nuclear weapons. The problem is the deal leaves Iran with its stockpile of enriched uranium intact and all its centrifuges running, enriching more every day. On top of that the deal leaves all enrichment facilities standing, with no outside oversight. To get this triumph Obama and Kerry removed the economic sanctions just as they were beginning to severely hamper the Iranian economy. The Iranians immediately bragged how they had rolled the Americans and that the deal in no way interfered with their goal of acquiring nuclear weapons with which they intend to kill all the Jews. So we are left with dueling press conferences. Who is telling the truth? I’m going with the Iranians on this one.

The White House:
We have a deal
One based on trust
We think a steal
But not discussed

We got our way
We got it big
And now you’ll pay
You satan’s pig

We stand alone
But we shall fight
What they have sown
They’ll reap in fright

On with the game
That’s what they say
No one to blame
That’s hockey, eh?

How déjà-vu
So Munich so
We’ll muddle through
We’re Brits you know

A Gunpowder Plot

There are those who say just an ordinary small Little Boy sized atomic bomb in the Tidal Basin would do much to clarify the atmosphere in Washington, but I believe we needn’t go that far, that a Guy Fawkes could do the job, especially since everyone will be together for the State Of The Union address.

Where are you now, oh Mister Fawkes
Your talents we are needing
Beneath the hall where darkness walks
With right and leftist seating
Gunpowder stacked up to the baulks
Will send these people reeling
Gunpowder ‘stead of false faced talks
Will show them how we’re feeling

Venus And Mars

Barack Obama was elected president of the United States in November 2008, hailed as the Messiah, the Lightworker, the bringer of the sun to Earth. The world swooned at his feet, and he was shortly thereafter awarded the Nobel Peace Prize simply for being Barack Obama. He believed then that he was Mars and the rest of the world was Venus. But now everything has gone horribly wrong, and he has discovered that this erotic fantasy was now the other way around, that the world is Mars and he is Venus. And apparently that’s the way he likes it.

 Oh the world I once kissed
And she didn’t resist
I remember
And we danced ‘midst the stars
We were Venus and Mars
And in love
When we both said I do
With the sun peeping through
That November
Darling what has gone wrong
To the words of our song
To our love
Has the moon lost its glow
Has our love ceased to grow
In your heart dear
I can still see the stars
We were Venus and Mars
Much in love
But now you dear are Mars
And now I bear the scars
Must we part dear
I remember love’s ways
And the sweet tender days
Of our love

The Lust For Power

Many are the pundits who have psychoanalyzed Barack Obama, and the number of conclusions equals the number of pundits voicing their opinions. For me, Obama is relatively easy, after five years, to peg. He is power mad. He lusts for power the way a drunk lusts for whisky. He lusts for power in order to turn the United States into the fevered radical red image of his communist parents. His lust for power knows no bounds. Neither public opinion nor the Constitution of the United States deters him from the pursuit of absolute power. We shall see if he meekly relinquishes power at noon on 20 January 2017.

Of all the promises I make
There’s only one that isn’t fake
The New York Times thinks this is jake
And that’s my lust for power
I love it I’m the man on top
And your destruction will not stop
I’ll knock out every single prop
To show my lust for power
You kneel to overwhelming might
That I possess by divine right
Respect for law I have but slight
I lust only for power

We’ve Come A Long Way, Baby

Western medicine began with the Roman physician Galen and slowly grew into a science, a science no other culture or nation or people in the history of the world has ever had. And now, after two thousand years of climbing out of the mud to the point where Western medicine can actually cure most of what it encounters, Obama and Obamacare are about to destroy it all in the name of the rancid theology of Marxism, that says that for everyone to be equal everyone must be impoverished. And not just economically, but spiritually, culturally and technologically.

If you’re sick and just plain ailin’
Then you cannot blame poor Galen
For he set the tone for centuries to come
If it’s healing you are needing
Then a little helpful bleeding
Raise a blister on your head the rule of thumb
Or let’s take that fellow Lister
Who said don’t you raise that blister
It’s those germs that cause disease that we must fight
But try as he might to free ‘em
Only Leuwenhoek could see ‘em
Until Pasteur showed a boiling set things right
And so now we have Obama
Who acts just like he’s yo momma
By instructing you that you must get in line
Buy insurance from exchanges
Never mind the wide price ranges
And if none of you get sick we’ll all be fine
It’s full circle we have traveled
As the system has unraveled
And we’re back to medicine we’ve seen before
Third world doctors frowning, poking
If you think that they are joking
Just you wait and see what ‘Bama has in store

Dr Who

In a discussion with my primary care doctor he told me he had persuaded his son not to go to medical school, citing Obamacare as the reason. I have a feeling that conversation went on in a lot of doctors’ homes. In 1992, during the Hillarycare uproar, Charley Rose had Senators Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Bob Dole at the table, during which Moynihan said passage of Hillarycare would destroy the health care system of the United States, the medical schools and two hundred years of institutional experience and knowledge, and vowed he and Bob Dole would never let it happen. And they didn’t. Alas, there are no more Moynihans in the Democratic Party. But the Red flag Marxist socialists have finally succeeded in imposing their will, and Obamacare will not be undone. The next generation will be treated by graduates of third world medical schools, and our best hospitals will be equal to anything found in central Africa. I tell my grandchildren – do not get sick.

As clean as a Swiss hospital
One of the golden rules
But not when staffed by graduates
Of fourth rate third world schools