Tag Archives: obama

Onward And Upward

The dials on the Debt Clock update the out of control spending at an alarming rate: the national debt; US spending year to date; social security year to date; US government bailouts year to date, and so on. The numbers are staggering. The Obama administration has saddled uncounted generations of Americans yet unborn with massive debt, a great deal of it to pay off his union buddies. Vice President Biden has recently said, “We have to spend money to get out of debt.” This is Alice In Wonderland, except we won’t be going through a looking glass, we’ll be going through economic Armageddon. But I have a solution. Gertrude Stein famously said she and her friends in Paris in the twenties supported themselves by taking in each others’ washing. I believe we can sell our pets to each other for huge sums, thereby jump-starting the economy, leading to higher taxes, and thus paying off President Obama’s debts and not leaving them to our grandchildren and great-grandchildren.   



A dog was for sale for a million

No offers came in and so that’s

Why the owner gave up and called Lillian

And traded for two of her cats

One cat was named Miles ‘tother Standish

Five hundred thou each was the price

A half a mil each seemed outlandish

But Miles was especially nice

The notion soon gained wide acceptance

That selling one’s pets for huge sums

Was the way to get out of the debt stance

And see that economy hums

And so Spot and Fido were sold off

For sums that astonished them all

And pretty soon all debt was told off

And kitties were now put and call

The market chimed in and the Dow Jones

Climbed fast and soon saw record heights

As doggies who only could chew bones

Were sold for their barks not their bites

The collapse when it came came most quickly

As shaggy dogs found their way home

And owners, some pleased and some prickly

Got out the dog brushes and comb

It all ended up in our favor

It ended up nice as you please

With an ending one really could savor

With the bag being held by Chinese



This Is Not About Me

“This isn’t about me. This isn’t about politics.” – President Obama on Monday in an online conference with progressive bloggers, urging them not to lose heart. “We’ll get it done,” he said, and by getting it done he meant the destruction of the finest and most innovative medical system the world has ever known. Senator Jim DeMint, Republican, South Carolina, predicted President Obama’s health care plan would be his Waterloo, referring to Napoleon’s defeat by Wellington at Waterloo in 1815. I think Senator DeMint is wrong. President Obama has not yet lost his base. He and they are still dangerous to the economic health of the country and the physical health of its citizens.   



It’s not about me, he said with a smile

It’s you I am looking out for

You know that my words are quite absent of guile

And my heart weeps for those who are poor

Unable to see a physician when pained

From lack of insurance and such

And answering those who say what’s to be gained

I say that we gain Midas touch

For money will pour into Treasury’s lap

From savings my health care will bring

And bountiful funds from my carbon tax cap

Will blossom the country like Spring

I know there are some who say I’ve over reached

They say that my Waterloo nears

Some say that by acting I’ll soon be impeached

But friends I shall be here for years

I’ll not make mistakes others made in the past

I’ll not have my army retreat

Beyond 2016 my office will last

And victory will taste oh so sweet

An Emperor will take what he wants and he’s got

An army of zealots to boot

And I with my very own Count Bernadotte

Will have a whole country to loot



Buyers Remorse

Various liberal propaganda organs, like the Washington Post and the Huffington Post, have recently and rather decorously questioned some of the things their hero has done and not done that he has promised to do and not do. There is a small stir in the left-wing blogosphere, where usually tight-lipped ranters are delicately asking if the Messiah has not in fact quite lived up to their expectations. He has not, for instance, to this point surrendered the United States to its enemies as they fervently wish for, nor has his gutting of missile defense satisfied them. His promise to destroy the best health care system in the world looks to be in peril, and his giving of billions of taxpayer stimulus dollars to the unions to insulate them from the perils of the marketplace, while laudable from their point of view, has not as yet accomplished their goal of destroying the evil capitalist financial system that has made the United States the envy of the world. The acolytes are beginning to stir, however reluctantly. Are we seeing the beginning of a serious left-wing buyers remorse?    



Where does hope go when it’s gone

What is left when there’s no change

When will facts then finally dawn

On his fans that Obie’s strange

Lack of failure up to now

To enact his promises

Means that when he breaks a vow

There’re more doubting Thomases

What’s the difference between Bush

Who the liberals truly hate

And Obama’s Hindu Kush

Where’s the policy debate

Yes he’s done some things they crave

Like his stripping of defense

And his mighty union cave

And his acts ‘gainst common sense

Like his running up the debt

To a height not seen before

But they really do not get

Why he’s in that Afghan war

Oh he’s still the coolest guy

And the smartest one in town

But they’ll tell you on the sly

That he’s really let them down



A Quid Pro Quo

Reuters says Russia and the United States have arrived at a deal whereby the United States will be permitted to ship non-lethal supplies through Russian territory to Afghanistan. At the moment there is no word on what the United States will pay for this largesse, but rest assured, Putin will want something. The question is, what has Obama agreed to give Putin?



We all know what the price will be

It’s Georgia Putin wants

Obama says it will kill me

But you can have it once

We move the Braves to Illinois

And shift some other clubs

Though I am sure it will annoy

The White Sox and the Cubs

And then I want, said Putin’s smile

Ukraine and Poland too

The near abroad, just for a while

Then given back to you

But not until we’ve had a chance

To put in place our men

The guys who took us to the dance

And’ll take us there again

Done and done, Obama laughed

Done cheaply at the price

Much less than our Chicago graft

And nearly twice as nice

And what we get for what we gave

Just puts my mind at ease

A dozen cans of Burma Shave

And Russian MREs




Bloomberg News reports that the Obama administration will proceed with its plan to engage Iran and deal with re-elected President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The problem is, the mullahs and Ahmadinejad want to be engaged with the United States only so far as it serves their purpose of delaying as long as possible any action on the part of the US regarding their nuclear program. Once Iran has the bomb, of course, there will be no further need to pretend they welcome engagement with us or anyone else, except to formulate the terms of our surrender. If we’re going to get engaged to the lady, make sure it’s not a one way street, with us going the wrong way. My advice to President Obama is this:



To be engaged you need a ring

To put upon her finger

But just be sure she’s had her fling

And now she wants to linger

With you and only you my lad

And not with Mr. Putin

Or what is worse or just as bad

With someone high-falutin’

Like China’s big-time rulers now

Who seem to be so deft

And think it’s time we took a bow

And exited stage left

And just be sure she’s not a flirt

Just stringing you along

Before she throws you in the dirt

And sings a goodbye song

I see no good from this affair

No matter that she’s charming

I say to you just have a care

Some belles are quite alarming




An elderly Italian woman missed Air France flight 447 when she arrived too late to board the plane. She escaped death when the plane went down into the Atlantic, killing 228 people, only to die a week later in a head-on collision with a truck on a road in Austria. Events like this raise the question, is it fate, coincidence, or the hand of God, however God is defined. I confess I have not the answer, though I don’t believe our fate is written, chiseled in everlasting stone. Nonetheless, there are times I think the ancients had it right, that there are gods living among us, gods who know our fates, gods who shape our lives. In Germanic legend the mistresses of human destiny were the Norns, three spinners; Urd, who knew the past; Verthandi, who knew the present; and Skuld, who knew the future. It is they, the Norns, who shape the destiny of men. And who shall say they do not?



Here is the babe, the women said

In silence as they crept

Into the house and to the bed

Where little Barack slept

But hours old, Verthandi sighed

What know of him, dear Urd?

The past is blank, though I have tried

Of him there is no word

No past? said Skuld, how can that be?

Perhaps, dear Urd, you’ve missed

The lad’s now hidden history

For surely there’s a list

There is no list, no proof of birth

His presence unremarked

The lad has simply come to earth

We know not where embarked

But ‘tis the future of the lad

With which we must engage

His future now, if good or bad

Dear Skuld, please fill the page

I shall, dear Urd, and you will hear

Him promising much change

I see him bringing hope and fear

And what is passing strange

I see a country bending low

Accepting every whim

I see a people crying so

And all because of him

I see that freedom’s lost its way

And men do quake in fright

In hearing what this lad doth say

So say the fates tonight

Is there no hope, can naught be done?

It’s written now in stone?

Ah no, said Skuld, they’re saved from One

By Ronald Reagan’s clone



Capitalism: Ave Atque Vale

It was announced Tuesday that Chrysler is out of bankruptcy. The deal, as dictated by the Obama administration, calls for the Italian carmaker Fiat to own 35% of Chrysler, the United Auto Workers union 55%, and the US and Canadian governments 10%. Is the forced deal constitutional? No. Does it matter? No. I have never seen, nor did I ever expect to see, a president of the United States so openly and brazenly throw aside the law in order to reward his UAW friends, both with Chrysler and General Motors. Bankruptcy law is settled law, the law of the land, but that did not deter the Obama administration from telling the first creditors, the Chrysler bond holders, that contrary to law the UAW union would get first dibs and the bond holders would take what the president said they would take, which was 29 cents on the dollar. When the bond holders complained they were threatened, so they took it, figuring if they didn’t they would get nothing. Can you imagine the screams of outrage and calls for impeachment had George W. Bush done that? Yet the media is silent, complicit in the unlawful actions of the one they adore.


The UAW put up no money but got 55% of the new Chrysler/Fiat corporation by agreeing to pick up the legacy benefits and health care costs of the workers. Fiat got 45% of the new Chrysler/Fiat corporation by agreeing to give Chrysler its technology in small cars and small engines, a combination the American buying public has consistently said it does not want and will not buy. Fiat has an even lower score in customer satisfaction than Chrysler. Has anyone on this side of the Atlantic ever bought a Fiat? So after the forced Obama Chrysler bankruptcy, the two principal owners of the new Chrysler put up not one red cent for 90% of the company, and the American taxpayer, who put up billions in loans and outright gifts, gets to share the remaining 10% with Canada. Now we know why President Obama is always smiling; it’s two down and Ford to go. All of which raises the question: Is what Obama has done to General Motors and Chrysler, and what he has done to the economy by putting the country in debt to the tune of trillions of dollars a year into the foreseeable future, incompetence or design?  



Walter Chrysler built his cars

With care and keen attention

To see that style and detail mars

Got hardly any mention

Until that is the union halls

Took over car production

With worker rights and work rule calls

And quality reduction

But times were fat so no one cared

That wages were a-soaring

And no one in his right mind dared

To think of underscoring

The risks of competition from

The Japanese and Germans

Get beat? they smiled, they’re just too dumb

Those Takeos and Hermans

Now Walter Chrysler is no more

No more is General Motors

The president chalked up the score

And charged it to the voters

Then put in charge one of his czars

A man who said he doesn’t

Know a thing ‘bout building cars

But criticize we mustn’t

We have to ask, what does this mean

Why all this rearranging

The socialists are on the scene

Our country they are changing

It’s ave atque vale tears

It’s hello and goodbye

To all we knew, now still your fears

We have in charge a guy

Who takes us down that frightful path

To ruin and decay

Just look at it, just do the math

We’re soon at judgment day

Hail and farewell to all we knew

They work while we all dally

Ring out the old, ring in the new

It’s ave atque vale



Cooling Towers

In his suck-up to the Muslim world Thursday, President Obama stated Iran was entitled to generate electricity through nuclear power. But he knows and we know the Iranian nuclear program has nothing to do with generating electrical power, but with generating military power, namely the power to destroy Israel, an eventuality President Obama is apparently comfortable with. When Ahmadinejad smiles and says they are only building cooling towers, the cooling towers he has in mind are the burnt out skyscrapers of Tel-Aviv. Yet it is Israel President Obama is putting pressure on, not Iran. When the Iranian mullahs get that nuke, when they obliterate Israel, when another six million Jews die in a second holocaust, President Obama will have some reflecting to do, reflecting that may go something like this:



Iran has nukes, what’s that you say?

I really can’t believe that they

Would do a thing like that behind our backs

I’ve trusted them to tell the truth

About their nuclear plans, forsooth

And for my pains took lots of dirty cracks

From awful people on the right

Who seem to think it’s time to fight

The peaceful mullahs and their lawful plans

To generate some AC power

By building a nice cooling tower

And sending juice out to the desert clans

I see no harm in such a scheme

I say let them fulfill their dream

Of climbing to the modern world with us

I am aware what they’ve been saying

That soon Israelis will be paying

For all the times they’ve hit us with the bus

But when friend Ahmadinejad

Promised I his word had had

I knew my charm and smile had won the day

So what if Haifa is no more

And Tel Aviv a burning sore

The important thing is peace is on the way



On Bended Knee

President Obama’s speech today in Cairo will focus upon three things: Obama’s Muslim upbringing; America’s historical enmity toward Islam; and the Jews. I cannot predict he will be able to hold himself in check and not again bow before an Arab king, but I can confidently predict he will blame the United States for all the troubles of the world, and ask forgiveness. In fact, these are not predictions, but certainties, for I have come into possession, I shall not say how, of an advance copy of President Obama’s speech. Curiously, it rhymes.



O land of Ra! O land of ancient stones!

We come to beg forgiveness for our sins

We hope our being here somewhat atones

For all we’ve done to loose the awful djinns

That’ve harmed you and your children all your life

Like medicine and science and our cash

Those awful things that lead to constant strife

And turn the flame of life to cindered ash

We beg of you to please not turn away

We need your guidance and your counsel now

On bended knee I plead with you this day

To teach us Allah’s way and your know how

For only when we’ve turned our faith to yours

Will God’s work here on Earth be truly won

And highest form of art are pyramid tours

And all bow down to Ra the god of sun

O land of Ra! The pharaohs’ gracious land!

Thy glories down the ages ring in ears

Together we must travel hand in hand

To spread Islamic kindness through the years

I’ve come today to ask you pretty please

To think not ill of us here by your side

I’m sure my words have put you at your ease

By saying West Bank Jews we can’t abide

The land of Palestine is truly yours

The Jews so long ago had moved away

They’re back and must be put down on all fours

The entity sha’nt live another day

There’s work to do before we say goodbyes

Israeli force and terror must be o’er

Hamas and Hezbollah are just good guys

Who want their place on earth however poor

Hold hands with us the people of the West

And help us understand the Muslim mind

Your truthfulness and kindness are the best

In Islam you will find no other kind

In parting I will leave you with one thought

You have a friend in DC and it’s me

You’ve heard I’m sure the US can be bought

But save your dough, I’m giving it for free



Wir Fahren Gegen Engelland

When the German battleship Bismarck sailed into the North Atlantic in May 1941, her sailors sang Wir Fahren Gegen Engelland (We Sail Against England). Little did they know it was to be a death cruise for most of them, for the British found the Bismarck and sank her. Are we, the United States, like the Bismarck, sailing on a death cruise? Are the Obama administration’s economic and foreign policies driving us to a watery grave? Are we well on the way to what the radical left so fiercely desires, a toothless, bankrupt and humiliated America?



Wir fahren gegen Engelland!

The Bismarck’s crew did sing

Wir fahren gegen Everyman!

Obama’s cry doth ring

Everyone except of course

The unions large and small

As well as every other source

The Democrats can call

Their friends and allies who will give

Their votes and labor to

The rest of us will get the shiv

Thrust home by you know who

The North Koreans build their nukes

And threaten one and all

Say CIA and other spooks

We’re heading for a fall

The State Department shakes its head

And issues reprimands

But by and large when all is said

We’re sitting on our hands

Obama now owns all the stock

In Chrysler and GM

His health care plan’s a laughingstock

Except to us and them

We’ll soon be France or Sweden

If Obama has his way

‘Cause there’s no one here impedin’

His fierce drive to make us pay

For all the sins committed

By the US over time

There’s no excuse permitted

We must pay for every crime 

With fahren gegen Engelland

Still ringing in our ears

We watch Obama’s fascist hand

And swallow down our fears